Getting Into A Fight With The Champ

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"You ready?" Phil's blue orbs staring into mine as I just shrug. "Well other then the black eye from that camera to cover up, yeah I'm ready." My voice more aggravated then it meant to say it in. His eyes once glistening turning into a shade while his lips turn into a frown. Damn it. I didn't want to snap at Phil. He's to nice and he doesn't even want to hurt a fly. Shit. Now I have to go and apologize to him. "Sorry, Phil, I didn't mean to say it that way. Yeah I'm ready I just got to cover this in the car." Telling him in a more gentle voice as he gently smiles at me. It's fake but he knows I'm trying really hard. I've been really aggravated since the whole ordeal. "Well if I were you I would just wait until we get to the set. That way the makeup crew can do it for you. I mean it is there job, besides you don't have to waste your makeup." That's actually a really good idea. He's right it would save me makeup. I mean I did have to go buy it though since I didn't own any. Well I guess I can have to put it in tomorrow anyways so it doesn't matter. "You going to try and talk to Dean tonight?" Phil asking me while I put on my Balor Club, leather, jacket. Fixing my hair ignoring his question a bit. Phil is my closest friend here other then Lana and he sees the way I look at Dean. So he's kind of figured out I'm attracted to Dean but I still refuse to admit it. "So who's driving?" Asking him wanting to change the subject. Rolling his eyes t me before tossing me the keys. Catching it while grabbing my bag from the bed of the hotel. "You know this means you got night shift right?" Making sure he knows while he just shrugs. "I know but I don't care right now. Besides let's go so we aren't late." Grabbing the hotel key from the table for me while we walk out my hotel room.

Going down the corridor of the hotel's red and golden luxury surrounding us. The elevator 2 feet away from us beside some stairs. Wanting to make sure I can get as much exercise as I possibly can. This whole traveling job makes it a but hard for me to work out. Yet I still find a way to make it to the gym at every possible chance I get. Phil has noticed this a lot and he knows my dream to be a diva because of it. Surprisingly he supports me to be a diva. Maybe it's because he's a nice guy or maybe it's because he thinks I can actually make it. I haven't figured out which one it is yet though, sadly. I'm hoping for the later one though.

Bouncing down the stairs like we did in gym doing bleachers. My bag behind me on my shoulders while I zoom down the stairs. Phil taking the elevator like usual for him being lazy. Making it down the 6 flight of stairs and pushing open the door to the lobby. Zooming to the elevator doors waiting for it to open. After 5 seconds it does with Phil walking out with his bag on his shoulders. "Turn in the key I'll go get the car." Commanding him slightly while walking outside with the cold air hitting my pale face. Thank lord for my Balor Club jacket or else I would be freezing already.

Walking over to my car in the lot opening the trunk putting my small bag inside with the rest of our luggage. Pushing the trunk down going to the driver side. Unlocking the door then opening it sliding inside the small car. Shoving the keys in the ignition starting it up. Putting the heater on full blast to get it warm after for Phil. I don't see how that guy doesn't get cold. He doesn't even seem like he owns a jacket. Backing up the car driving to the front of the hotel seeing Phil there with his bag. Pulling up in front of him popping the trunk seeing him out his bag in there. Closing the trunk after him coming over to the passenger side. Climbing into the front seat of the car hearing his phone beep. Once inside seeing through my pephirial vision of him pulling out his phone and texting someone back. I've always wondered who he would always be texting.

After a while if driving pulling into the stadium where WWE is holding an event for tonight. Turning off the car climbing out stuffing the car keys into my pocket. Yawning while stretching my limbs beside the car looking over at him. Waking to him going to go inside seeing Roman and Dean right there. Phil giving me a slight shove in my left side making me almost yelp in pain. Hissing up at him with my eyes a narrowed while he gives me those eyes. Those eyes telling me 'go talk to him' before walking the opposite direction of me. Where the fuck is Phil even going? Damn it! Don't leave me here by myself! It's to late now I know he won't let this go until I talk to him besides I need to talk to him.

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