Debut 'Dating' The Champion

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"Are you sure you're ready for this Rynn?" Phil asking me with concern in his eyes. "Yes dad." Mocking as if I'm a teenager making him laugh lightly. "I know you're worried Phil but I've already told you 7 times, I'm ready." Putting my hand on his shoulder giving him a genuine smile making him nod towards me. "Just don't get hurt to bad and have fun-" Taking in a deep breathe, "-for the both of us." Releasing his breathe backing up from me a bit. Letting my hand drop from his shoulder and back to my sides. "Thanks Phil. Now serious question, do I look okay?" Asking him with actual concern lacing my voice. 

I don't want to go out there looking stupid. I'm not fighting at first either I'm about to walk with Colby since WWE decided we were going to be a couple. My debut is today though after his match with Dean then it's a tag team match and then it's me against Summer Rae. I just want to make sure I look okay. I'm wearing blue jean shorts having a black studded belt wrapping around me. Some black vans with a tight black  crop top with Seth Rollins logo on on it showing how big my boobs actually are. That's what I'm wearing when I walk down with Colby but my match attire isn't the same. I'll ask Phil again though once I have my wrestling attire on if I look good or not. They've already picked out my theme and my entrance with me. I'm so excited for it because I already know I'm going to look amazing!

"You look great, now go find Seth before he has to walk out." Shooing me off with his hands like a mother does on her daughter's first date. Walking out my locker room letting Phil hide in there since he doesn't have to record anything today. My nerves hitting me hard in the stomach making me want to puke. I'm so scared the crowd is going to hate me. I need to go find Seth though.

"Rynn over here!" Colby exclaiming towards me while standing by the entrance way. Walking over to him seeing him in his tight leggings and shirt with the world heavy weight championship belt wrapped around his waist. "Are you ready for this?" Asking me walking over to me getting really close to one another. Grabbing my hand in his helping me release a breathe I didn't even realize I was holding in. "Remember your lines?" "Yep just nervous still." Confining into my partner hoping he will understand. "Don't worry about it okay just as long as you remembered your lines then we are fine. Let me do the rest, alright?" His brown eyes piercing into my greens ones while his thumbs massages me hand. Relaxing slightly nodding to him while he smiles. "Also remember Seth is different then Colby so if I'm a bit of a douche-bag just don't take it personally." "I won't Seth." Smirking at me hearing his music blast through the arena speakers. 

His eyes darkening just at the sound of his music making me smirk with him with no control turning into my maniacal evil sinner in me. "Let's go." Voice sharper then normal reminding me of him from when he pushed me against the wall. Smirks on both of our faces pushing my boobs out a bit straightening my back walking with his hand in mine out of the hallway behind the curtains. Walking more his hand gripping mine tightly before hitting the actual arena. Seeing the crowd go crazy with cheers and boos flowing at him with other screaming who I am. Continuing my smirk with my hand in his walking right beside him in a smug like walk down the ramp. 

"Who is that?" One of the announcers asking to the other two making them shrug. 

I'm the next Diva. 

Looking up at my 'boyfriend' once we hit the ring giving him a small kiss on the cheek before letting him walk up the steel stairs. Helping me up the steel stairs with him holding the middle rope and the bottom rope open for me. Bending over sliding on the ring in front of him making him wait a little bit. Sliding on the ring with me taking my hand again looking down at me smiling deeply into my eyes. 

If this wasn't staged I'd actually say it looks like he might actually like me.

The announcers going crazy on commentary trying to figure out who I am and why I am holding Seth Rollins hand. "Where did she even come from?" JBL asking to the others not caring to listen to them anymore. 

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