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"You guys took forever." Joe commenting as we barely get into the car. Me laying in the backseat as usual while Jon sits in front. "I did it." Jon commenting back to Joe as Joe looks at him seriously. "And?" Asking him as if I'm not here. "Yes." Saying back to him smiling as Joe smiles at him brightly. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, both!" Joe saying to the both of us as they fist bump each other quickly. 

Do they really think I didn't notice that? 

Chuckling to myself a bit before putting my hand over my eyes to shield myself from the street lights that we pass by. "This calls for a celebration!" Joe saying to us. "What do you mean?" Asking Joe as he chuckles. "Sounds like we should drink, shouldn't we whiskey princess?" Jon saying over to me. "Whiskey princess?" "Yeah, since all you ever have is whiskey, princess." Saying in a 'duh' tone making me laugh. "Alright but let's drink at the hotel this time. We have a long drive right?" "Yep."

What am I going to do with them?

- Time Skip -

The Shield intro music playing as we walk down the ramp together. Dean and Roman slightly behind me as I skip ahead of them. People cheering for us and some of them booing us while I skip up the steel stairs. Doing what I do best and bend over the ropes letting my ass pop out of my tight black jean shorts. Waiting for Dean and Roman to catch up. As they walk up the steel stairs with me letting Roman go in first. Opening the middle and top rope open for me and I smile happily at him. Giggling loudly as I slide through the ropes with Dean beside me. All of us standing there in our gear while we walk to our corner as I lean against the ropes looking at my nails tauntingly. 

The New Day's music kicking in as I bob my head to their music with Dean and Roman staring at me like I'm crazy. The New Day running out to the ramp clapping their hands as Xavier sees me dancing with myself in the corner. Smiling with a mic in their hand as Xavier talks. 

"Rynn, we see you dancing over there." Xavier saying as I shrug taking a mic in my own hand. "So." Saying simply continuing to dance even there is no music. "Why don't you join a WINNING team. You got the right moves. We can treat you better-" Suggesting to Dean and Roman as he moves his hand shrugging them off. "-then them." 

Laughing in the mic as Dean steps up ready to pound his face in for saying something like that to his kitten. Roman pushing his chest back though as Dean puts his hand to the side ready to punch them. Dean angry as his confusion slightly washes his face more then rage with me beside Dean.  

Handing Roman the mic as he growls into a bit

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Handing Roman the mic as he growls into a bit. "A winning team, huh? How about instead of standing there you come here so we can beat your ass!" Growling louder into the mic defensively as Dean jumps up and down excited to fight.

The New Day laughing amongst themselves before looking at us and bringing the mic to their mouths. "Nope." Me rolling my eyes looking over at Dean giving him the look. Him nodding slightly to me with no one noticing. 

Walking past Roman and Dean and sliding through the ropes as Roman looks confused. Dean holding him back as The New Day laughs in their mics. "See she knows how to win." Big E saying into the mic as the crowd starts to boo me. Ignoring all of them though and just walking up the ramp to The New Day smiling at them.

Batting my eyelashes at them and biting my bottom lip at Xavier before cocking my head to side while I bend over a bit to show off my assets. Xavier smiling down at me biting his bottom lip as well dropping his trombone. 

"I think she likes you." Kofi saying as if I'm not there. Putting out my finger waving for him to come closer to me. Xavier doing so getting closer to me as I put my arms out to ask for a hug. Smiling at him giggling a bit as Big E says to him, "Hug her or I will." Xavier listening to Big E and wrapping his arms around me. 

Smirking to Kofi Kingston and Big E as push my arms under his putting him in the position of dirty deeds. Falling backwards making Xavier fall into the dirty deeds making me luagh even harder. "I will never The Shield." Growling into the mic that Big E dropped. 

Grabbing Xavier by his shirt dragging him to the ring with Kofi freaking out and Big E begging me to stop. Picking up Xavier with Roman grabbing him from me pushing Xavier in the ring. Dean holding the ropes open for me as I get back into it. "Let's start this match already." Growling into the mic again looking over at Dean winking at him.

Dean smirking at me telling me I did a good job as the rest of The New Day get into the ring grabbing Xavier. Putting him outside of the ring as the ref comes in, "As Xavier Woods is knocked unconscious. Only two will be able to compete on both teams." Looking at Dean and Roman shrugging and sliding out the ring. Standing by the ring cheering them on as the bell rings.

- Time Skip -

Sliding back into the ring as Dean hugs Roman putting their fists up. The ref smiling a bit putting the mic to his mouth. "You're new number one contenders The Shield!" 

You're damn right. 

Smirking at the announcers as JBL scowls shaking his head at us. "I can't believe they won. It's a fluke. They didn't actually win. How could a psychopath, a lunatic, and a powerhouse win a match like that?" Asking the other announcers as the shrug. "Well they did just win." Byron Saxton saying in a sassy tone making me laugh a bit. 

Suddenly feeling myself being lifted up off of the ground and being spun around by muscular arms I know all to well. Once being put down turning around and jumping on Dean as he catches me. Putting my fist up in the air with Roman smiling at me as he puts his fist in the air as well. Dean as I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me with one arm to his other fist in the air. Our music playing loudly through the arena with everyone cheering for us.

Jumping down suddenly looking at them both as they both smile down at me. Sliding through the ropes before them hearing Roman and Dean both chuckling behind me. Waiting for them to catch up as we walk side by side up the ramp.

Walking up the ramp and back through the black curtain as Dean dies of laughter suddenly. "The psycho?" Asking returacly towards me and Roman. "If you're a psycho then you're definitely a sexy psycho." Dean purring at me while wrapping one of his arms around me. Roman laughing a bit. "Why would I be a power house? I like empire better." Roman saying simply towards us.

Laughing a bit shaking my head at them. "Don't you know guys. We are The Sexy Psycho, The Lunatic Fringe, and The Roman Empire." Saying to them with them nodding. 

"So what now?" Dean asking me. "Now, we win the tag team championship." Saying simply to him with Roman nodding beside me. "Let's do it!" Roman getting hyped up as I laugh lightly. "Well let's get to it then." Saying to them as they nod towards me.

" Saying to them as they nod towards me

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Tada. We did it. That's the end of this fanfic. If you want a sequel just tell me. Thanks for reading though. I know this epilogue is short but most are. I hope you enjoyed the ending of this one though. I have lots of other fanfics if you want to read them! Alright I love you guys. See you in the next fanfic.

- AmandaVloger 

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