Kitten and Puppy

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Wiping my eyes a bit looking up seeing nothing but blackness surrounding me. 

Sometimes it's hard to not feel around with the darkness all around me. Sometimes it's hard to get the thoughts out of my head when I'm around people all the time. Sometimes it's hard to just take a second to breathe. I think that is all I need right now. For no one to mess with me so I can get a second to just take a breathe. Maybe I should go visit Renee she seems to know how to always just breathe. That's all I want is to just take a breather for a little bit. Is that so much to ask for?

Tears starting to drip down my face again while my breathing hitches once more. Damn you Colby Lopez for hurting me this bad. Everything was fine until I met him! Now I'm still heart strung over him and everything hurts. My heart being ripped out of my chest with sharp claws digging deep into it. Puncturing it everywhere letting the blood clash to the floor with my tears starting a river on the floor to drown me. 

I can't do this alone. I don't know what to do anymore. Why does it hurt so much?

My breathing getting worse with each second taking all of my energy out of me. Falling over to the icy cold ground with my tears clashing with me. Every second getting harder to breathe with my body turning numb not being able to move anymore. Just staring at the darkness in front of me with my tears still crashing down. Not being able to move my own body anymore with my eyes wide open scared. Hand shaking slightly with my chest rising up faster with my heart racing my breathe. Choking on air and tears not being able to breathe anymore. 

Trying to calm down but my thoughts not being able to process well with both of my hands shaking now. My breathing going faster then my heart in a race to my own death with no one being able to hear me choke. 

What is happening to me? Help!

Using all of my energy to try to talk only causing me to choke on my own spit even more. My head feeling super light now while feeling super dizzy all of a sudden. Doing my best to turn my head all the spit coughing out of my mouth on the floor. Still numb with my feet starting to violently shake with my hands in sync. Hitting hard on the floor like a fish out of the water not being able to move or breathe.

Hearing knocking on my locker room door with tears still covering my face crashing. My body violently shaking all together on the floor making loud noises. Hoping whoever it is can hear me needing help right now. 

"Kitten?" Dean's voice calling out through the door sounding concerned.

Trying to use any energy inside of me to talk only coughing loudly choking on my own spit again.

"Kitten! I'm coming in!" Dean sounding serious before slamming the door open hitting my violently shaking body. 

Not being able to whine at the pain from the door slamming into me just choking on the ground not being able to say anything. Only seeing the light from the door with Dean's shadow inside of the doorway. Hearing him curse under his breathe before flicking on the light switch. My eyes still wide open seeing nothing but white lights now with my body still violently pounding on the floor with my tears. 

Help, Dean!

"SHIT! KITTEN!" Dean looking down at me hearing him fall to his knees getting in front of me. Seeing his worried face with his hands shaking looking down at me. "Fuck. Are you having a panic attack?" Asking me taking his rough shaky hands reaching for my face. "Blink once for yes and twice for no." Staring with my eyes wide open into his blue eyes using all of my strength to blink once. Finally being able to do that with him nodding before placing my head into his lap. 

"Okay, Rynn breathe with me. It's going to be hard but I'm here now." Dean looking down at me with concern showing in his eyes. His rough hands shaking on my face a bit trying to call himself down. "WE NEED A MEDIC NOW!!!" Dean screaming loudly towards the door hoping someone will hear him. 

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