A Part Of The Show?

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Well it seems like I might have heard a lot more about Nikki Bella then I should have and that Dolph Ziggler might like me. I'm going to leave both of those things alone though so I can just let is settle on its own. To be honest I'm just scared that I will find out something I don't want to and then Nikki will be after me. I mean she does make everything into a high school way so that only makes sense to me.

"Rynn." Phil asking me with his blue orbs staring into my soul. "Hmm, yes, what?" Confused if he was talking or not while I stared up at him dumbfounded. "I was saying that I'll drive tonight if you want since you drove last night." Concern washing over his face while continuing to stare at me. "Yea-" "Rynn, I need to talk to you." Ziggler's voice telling me with a hush whisper from behind me. Turning around seeing Dolph smirking at me while I give him a quick "Hold on." "Yeah Phil that sounds good. But if you get to tired again I'm fine with driving again." Nodding to me before walking away eyeing Dolph before just walking inside.

"So, you and Phil huh?" Asking with amusement in his eyes while he rakes them over my body. "No, we just are carpooling so it's cheaper on me. I mean the pay is nice and all but it's still not a lot." Stating to him while he just nods with his blonde hair going to the side a bit. "Well if you ever need more money I'm sure we can find a compromise." Rolling my eyes walking past him wanting to go inside. "Wait." His hand holding my arm roughly as he steps closer to me. Turning around narrowing my eyes at him about to rip my hand away to punch him in the face. No one touches me ever. He's going to regret this.

"Look what you heard yesterday with Nikky and John, just leave it alone. It's easier for you if you do. Trust me." Whispering in my ear before walking away to go inside. Wait, what? I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways but is he trying to protect me? No. He's not that type of person. I know his type and I know he doesn't actually like me. He's probably trying to protect Nicole if he's protecting anyone here. It wouldn't surprise me though. I'm not going to mess with it though.

I shouldn't even be thinking about it. I don't want to wrapped into this stupid drama bullshit.

Walking inside seeing Phil there waiting for me while I yawn and he just smiles knowing what I mean. "Nothing important then?" "Nope." Popping my mouth on the 'p' to extend it a bit. "When is it ever though?" Asking him while he just shrugs at me. "Well I guess let's go pay a visit to Mr.McMahon and see where he wants to put us. I can't remember if he told us or not." Telling me while we walk seeing the door open where we interview everyone. "Rynn! Phil! In here." Renee running over to us as her heels click to the floor. "Hey so we are going to be doing some interviews today. We already have the first one if you are ready." Her voice filled with excitement as she hugs me and Phil. "Okay, awesome." Phil saying with even more excitement in his voice if it was even possible.

Walking with her back to the room seeing a man in blue jeans with black boots with a black wife beater on. Fixing his black belt with a leather jacket hugging his muscles before looking back up seeing me just standing there behind the camera. Phil making sure the light is directly on his tan skin making his brunette hair looking more of blonde. His blue eyes shining through making his smirking pink lips look even better. He is literally all that is of a man.

God damn.

Staring in awe while Phil is done fiddling with the light while Renee grabs the microphone that doesn't actually work. "Ready?" Her voice dragging me out of my thoughts while I nod looking into the camera. Making sure I can see them both as he towers over her staring at me. Starting the countdown with my fingers while she smiles at the camera proudly. "Hello, I'm here with Dean Ambrose." Dean Ambrose. That rolls off the tongue so easily. "How are you feeling about your fight against Seth Rollins tonight?" Just smirking into the camera and into my soul sending shivers down my spine. What the fuck is going on. I've never been so attracted to a man before in my life. What is happening? I don't understand. "You see, I'm going to win. I have no doubt about that. I always get what I want." The same shivers running down my back again while I try to concentrate on the camera view but my minds jumbling up. Suddenly feeling nervous while I try to rip my eyes away from him but my body not letting me while I stare into his eyes. Feeling my soul slowly leave out my body floating towards him while smirks more. "It doesn't matter how. I will get what I want, no matter what." Stating into the camera making me bite my lip trying not to say anything while I also try to make myself concentrate.

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