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"Rynn. You need to get up baby girl. We need to talk still and you also have a meeting." Joe's voice stirring me from my sleep. Pushing my shoulders slightly trying to wake me up with me groaning from my pounding headache.

"What?" Asking with an annoyed sigh hearing Joe sigh as well. "Come on get up, babygirl. We need to talk still." Joey saying to me with me nodding lightly. "Here take this." Hearing him chuckle with me barely opening my eyes seeing water and pills being handed to me. "Thanks." Taking the pills shoving them down my throat. Chugging down the water to help my cotton mouth before looking back at him smiling lightly.

Looking around while sitting up in the bed, "Where's Jon?" "He went and spent the night with his favorite niece. She made him share a bed with her." Joe saying with a smile on his face before looking back at me seriously. "We need to talk, but first you reek so go take a shower. I already have clothes in there for you." Saying to me motioning the door to me. "Thanks Joe."

- Time Skip -

Sitting on my bed looking across from me seeing Joe just staring back at me. "Feel better?" "Loads, still kind of have a headache but I'll be fine." Confessing to him with him nodding to me. "Good. Look Rynn we need to talk about what happened last night. Are you okay?" Asking me with concern lacing his voice.

Am I okay? No, I'm not okay! Of course I'm not okay. Why would I be okay? I mean come on! I get cheated on, I get dumped on after I was promised something and I have someone using me as their toy!

"No. I'm not okay. I mean right now I am because you're here but in general not really." Looking away slightly before running my hands through my long brunette hair. "In fact I don't even know where to begin." "It's okay, you don't have to tell me." Joe trying to reassure me.

"Babygirl, I'm here for you no matter what." "I know."

I should just tell him everything on my mind... He knows Jon better then Jon knows Jon. Maybe he can help me figure out what he is doing.

"I was just pissed off last night because they didn't even tell me I was going to lose. I just lost suddenly. I did everything for them. I did every single little thing that they wanted me to do and then they can't even tell me I'm going to lose. It wouldn't have been so bad if they would have just told me. That probably sounds so dumb but it really pisses me off." Rage filling me slightly with my nose flaring.

"I know how that feels." Joe saying to me grabbing my hand suddenly. Feeling the weight on the bed shift looking to my right seeing Joe smiling at me. "They did the same thing to me that night at Wrestlemania. Remember?"

That's right. I can't believe I forgot all about that.

"Yeah, I remember." Squeezing his hand smiling a bit not feeling alone. "I know there's something else on your mind. What is it?" His blue eyes looking into my emerald green ones. "It's Jon." Sighing knowing he can see right through me.

How does he do that? How does he see through my charade? Is it because we are close? Is it because he's used to seeing through people's bullshit? I don't know what it is.... But it's nice to know that he can see through me.

"What about Jon? Did he do something?" Joe's voice leaking with concern again with me shaking my head no at him. "No, it's not that. Well, I mean. Kind of." Leaning my head against Joe's shoulder.

It's nice to be like this. To be leaning on someone. Joe doesn't know it but he's kind of become a dad figure to me.... I don't know if that's weird or not. But he just has.

"What did he do?" Chuckling to himself feeling him smirk a bit.

I guess in a way I could see why this is funny to Joe. Jon is a bit of a character that lives up to his name of the Lunatic Fringe.

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now