Dean Ambrose Titty Master

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"We have two rooms? That's weird." Stating out loud to Jon and Joe. Joe shrugging a bit looking over at me. "Yeah, I guess they got it wrong in the system. You going to be okay sleeping by yourself?" Joe asking me. Nodding to him before feeling Jon's hand snake around my waist. "Actually I was thinking about sleeping in the same room as Rynn since tonight was pretty intense. I don't want her freaking out in the middle of the night." Telling Joe with a smirk on his face. Joe eyeing him up and down before shaking his head a bit. Looking over to my emerald eyes with his blueish grey ones. "Is that okay with you babygirl?" Asking my permission. "Yeah. To be honest I would rather not be alone tonight." Confessing to Joe feeling Jon's hand lower slightly to my ass.

Trying not to gasp at the suddenness of Jon squeezing my ass and keeping his tight grip on it. "I have another bag in the car. Can you get it for me kitten?" Purring to me with a smirk playing on his lips while staring down at me. "Fine." Sighing to him, just wanting to get out of that awkward situation. Rolling my eyes at Jon since he probably left the bag there on purpose.

Joe shaking his head digging in his pockets for the car keys handing them to me, "Goodnight guys. We got leave early in the morning to get there in time so be up." Saying in a warning to us in his dad tone.

If he only knew what happened when we were on the way to the locker rooms. Which reminds me he was acting kind of funny since he left. When he came out of the locker room he acted like nothing happened just like normal but he kept closer to me. He even seemed to be glaring at other guys who were to even glance at me. It was like he was a puppy protecting his owner. Or like a lion protecting his mate.

He drives me crazy! Crazy with lust. He does everything I like without even knowing it. He's such a bad boy to my good girl and I'm just a slave under his willing. I want him. I'm hoping he can save me with his touch tonight. I need him.

I don't want him... I NEED him.

Feeling Jon's hands roam off of my ass letting me free while I roll my eyes at him. Turning around with the car keys in my hand ready to walk out to the parking lot. "Where are you going kitten?" Jon asking in a seductive whisper. His hot breathe flowing down my neck sending shivers through my whole body.

"G-getting your bag." Stuttering to him but not wanting to turn around. "Oh, I just said that to make Joe leave. How about-" Snaking his arms around my waist to my stomach and roaming up barely touching my breasts with his fingertips. "-we head to bed. I really NEED sleep." Feeling his chest on my back as he holds me closer to him.

Feeling myself getting wet already with his touch seducing me more by each second. Biting my lip turning around pushing him against our bedroom door with my face against his. "How badly do you need your sleep Mr.Ambrose?" Whispering into his ear as I stare into his sapphire blue eyes. Seeing them darken around his pupils as he smirks down at me.

Pushing myself up on him more with his arms snaking back around my body pulling me closer to him. My breasts pushing on his chests almost popping out of the tank. While my leg is in between his rubbing him slightly through his jeans. "Mmmhhmm." Groaning a bit pushing his head back hitting the door. "Let me show you." Growling before taking one of his hands grabbing the hotel key.

Sliding the key to unlock our door before shoving it open. Grabbing all of our bags tossing them inside by the door before looking at me with a smirk. "Come to Ambrose, kitten." His arms spread wide open with me still in the hallway and him in the room.

"Gladly." Strutting inside of our hotel room shutting the door silently behind us. Tossing the car keys with the bags and the hotel key by the door. Walking closer to him as his smirks spread more with his eyes glued to me. Getting up to him putting my head in the crook of his neck and my hands on his waist. Slowly feeling his hands find their way to my shoulders.

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