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Tonight is the night I fight Nikki Bella for the WWE Diva Championship belt. Not only is tonight that night but tonight is also the night that Joe and Jon fight Colby and Randy in a fatal 4 way match for the WWE World Heavyweight title. They've made it clear to each other that they are no longer friends when the bell rings that it's to time for survival. That's what I like about them so much no matter what WWE throws at them they won't stop being friends. I've seen some of the things they started throwing at them as well.

Changing into my ring gear before looking at myself in the mirror one last time smirking to myself. Walking out the bathroom into my locker room with Lana smiling up at me proudly. "You look beautiful! I'm cheering for you." Telling me as her Russian accent is gone since it's only us two in my locker room. "Thank you." Putting the rest of my clothes in my bag before turning to her.

"I'm kind of nervous Lana, this is my first paperview that I'm fighting in." Confessing to her letting my confidence hide showing her my true feelings. "I know you are but it's going to be okay." Telling to me giving me a bit of actual confidence back. "Besides you can crush her with no problem at all. I know you can." Her words confident in me putting confidence in myself. "Yeah you are right!" Smirking again nodding my head. "I'm going to go kick some ass." "Now that's the Rynn that I know." Lana smiling even wider to me before walking out my locker room to get back to Rusev.

Walking out my locker room going to the curtain my match being next looking at some of the workers. "Ready for your chains?" Phil asking while I nod to him. "Good luck out there, not like you need it though." Phil whispering to wrapping a chain around my ankle first.

"Rynn! Glad we made it before it was to late." Stephanie running to me stopping in front of me her heels breaking into her. "Yes?" Asking her looking confused while she frowns to me. "What is it ma'am?" Being polite while Phil wraps another chain around my ankle. "Change of plans, Nicole is going to win this paperview. It's orders from Vince himself." Her eyes burrowing into mine my mouth gaping open a bit. Closing it tightly nodding to her, "Yes ma'am." My only reply while she frowns walking away once more as my hands tighten into fists.


"They better have a good reason for that." Phil muttering looking almost as angry as I am. "Yeah, especially since they just told me." Rolling my eyes pushing my arm out to him for him to wrap the chain around my wrist. "I'll her win but I'm going to get payback on her first." Muttering to him with a devil smirk on my face. The twisted wicked thoughts crossing my mind already knowing exactly what I want to do to her to send my message to everyone.

"Ready?" Phil asking me while I nod to him the devil smirk spread on my face. "Always." Saying in a dark voice seeing him shiver beside me making me smirk even wider. The demon growing in my body releasing itself like a plague.

My music cuing me on the most perfect time while I slump down walking out the curtain dragging the chains with me. Fog everywhere with a red spotlight trying to find me while I whip my chains towards the crowds. Trying to break loose of the chains while walking down the ramp smirking and growling at the crowd. Hearing them roar as I growl even louder reaching the steel steps smirking at the ref that yanks my chains off. Getting in his face when they are off getting dangerously close seeing his eyes widen in horror seeing the true demon inside of me. Glaring up at him laughing before climbing into the ring seeing Nikki already there rolling her eyes at me.

She's about to get payback.

- Near the end of the match -

Seeing her run to me super kicking her in the face making her fall on her back. Towering over her grabbing her by the shoulder kneeing her over and over. The ref yelling at me to get off of her not wanting to but letting her go anyways with one more knee to the face. Her head hitting the mat hard dazed now while I walk to the middle of the ring. Raising my hands in the air making the crowd to me before turning around back to Nikki seeing her still dazed.

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now