Camera To Diva

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"Yes." The words left my mouth before even thinking about it. My heart pounding in my chest with happiness while my face has the biggest smile ever. I'm going to finally have my dream come true and all I had to do was come unraveled. "Congratulations Rynn, we will have some papers for you to sign for you to actually be able to wrestle for us. Oh and we have someone to train you to make sure you can wrestle properly." "Thank you so much-" The door opening making me turn around seeing Seth Rollins walk in shirtless with his leg tights hugging him. "Perfect timing Seth,-" Stephanie saying to him before looking down at me. "-Rynn this is your new trainer." My eyes going wide while Seth smirks down at me slightly beneath his beard his eyes turning into a dark shade. 

What's that face about?

"When I saw what you did to Nicole I asked them if I could train you. I can teach you everything I know." Seth's voice being coy in the most subtle way with his eyes staring at my chest. 

That's kind of odd... Why is he staring at my chest?

Looking down seeing a tear in my shirt barely ripping down my chest a bit exposing a part of my bra. SHIT! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! Shoving my hands in front of my chest looking back at The Authority. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, I won't let you down." Stating to them already keeping my word as Stephanie laughs a bit. "You won't because if you do then you're fired." Telling me with her eyes narrowed on me like a lion does to their prey. "I knew you were best for business." Triple H telling to me before looking back at Seth who is standing by the door still. "Seth, take her to get a new shirt and then set up the time you two will be training. Tell me once you get a date and time." Shooing us off with his hand then going to his wife. 

Getting up off the chair turning to see Seth holding the door open for me. Walking out with him beside me waiting to walk with him. "Thanks Colby for helping me out, it means a lot to be trained by you." My green eyes looking into his brown eyes making his pink lips twitch up a bit. "Well Rynn it is my pleasure." His brown eyes shining a bit while we continue down the corridors beside each other. "Nice punch by the way. She went out so fast I didn't even notice you hit her at first." Voice higher a bit at me making me giggle a bit. "Yeah I workout a lot, I used to do UFC." Explaining to him as he nods. "You really are perfect for this, the way you beat her was amazing. I was surprised when you suplexed her to be honest." My eyebrows raising a bit in curiosity. Is it really that surprising though? "Did I really surprise you?" Asking him seeing him stop in his tracks just dead staring into my eyes. "Yes you really did surprise me." Voice soft but rough still staring into my emerald green eyes with so much seriousness lacing his tongue. "For someone who just came here I didn't think you could easily flip anyone. Especially not the diva champion." Brown eyes still staring into mine making shivers go down my spine a bit. "Well I am full of surprises." Telling him with a shrug waiting for him to start walking with me again. "You know, Colby, I bet I could easily beat you in a match." Laughing a bit at the end joking with him before he eyes me up and down. "Oh yeah?" Amusement lacing his voice making me nod both of us laughing a bit. "I'd love to see that." Saying over to me making me get serious a bit. "What, you don't believe I can beat you?" Asking over to him stopping in my tracks in front of a door not caring where we are. "No, I don't." Both of us staring down each other. Going from joking to serious in mere seconds. "You are on pretty boy." Crossing my hands in front of my chest smirking at him before seeing him look around. "Alright if you are so determined how about we go to the spare ring and have a match right now." "Okay." Smirking at him making his eyes go wide.

What did he really think I was going to say no? I'm about to kick his ass. 

"Well what are you waiting for let's go pretty boy." Continuing to walk to the spare ring room now with him fuming behind me. "Stop calling me pretty boy!" Fuming at me making me laugh a bit ignoring him. "Okay pretty boy." Laughing even more seeing him tense up holding his hands into balled up fists. "Whatever." Whispering under his breathe making me sigh out loud dramatically. "What do you not like my nickname for you?" Asking in an amused voice while he shakes his blonde and brunette long hair at me. "No, I don't." Stating with an annoyed voice looking away from me but still walking right beside me down the corridors. "Well that's to bad I think it suits you perfectly." Seeing his chest rise up taking in a deep breathe holding it in before letting it out trying to calm down. 

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