My Seth and Colby Romance

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"It's amazing." Telling Renee even though we never even technically started dating. 

Watching the interview on the tv with Colby beside me on the couch of the NXT room. Me and Colby have been getting really close lately. He's not just a trainer or my 'boyfriend' anymore he's a really good friend of mine. I want to keep him as a friend for a very long time. He's done nothing but help me out and I slowly find myself telling him things not even Lana and Rusev know about me. I haven't had an actual friendship this close to me since I was little. He's been telling me so much about him as well. It's honestly crazy how much we have in common. I'm glad he's here with me. 

But there's a small part of me that's slowly clinging to every word he says. That part of me watches him carefully while he speaks staring at his gorgeous pink luscious lips. This part of me wants me to hug him more off and on camera. Craves his strong arms around me at all times to hold me close and stay in my hotel room with me. Eat dinner with more often so I'm not alone to keep closer to my heart at all times. Making me want to kiss him, touch him, love him. Sometimes I find myself daydreaming about him kissing me when I'm alone. This little part of me, well, it's slowly becoming a not so little part of me. 

I don't know what to do about it either. Something tells me not to let him get so close but another part wants him so close to me. I haven't told him any of this because I don't want to lose this friendship of ours. Although I think about telling him sometimes to see what he would say. It's just... I don't think he would go for a girl like me. Even if we like the same music and have some of the interests... I just think he sees me more as a best friend then date material. 

"It's amazing. Just amazing?" Colby shaking his head at the screen looking over at me with his stomach rumbling from laughing. "Is it just amazing Rynn?" Laughing still like it's the funniest thing he's heard in the world. Turning to me waiting for me to answer just rolling my eyes in response. "Well it's not even that since we aren't actually dating." Sticking my tongue out at him like a child with him still laughing uncontrollably on the couch. His hands on his stomach while his feet stick up in the air a bit from the couch. Waiting for him to stop laughing just laying back a bit into the left side of the couch. Leaning over the armrest just watching him laugh slowly making my lips turn up into a small smile. He's so cute sometimes.

After about 3 minutes later of him laughing just looking at the tv together with my feet propped up on the couch barely touching the side of his thigh. "You know Rynn just because we aren't dating doesn't mean I'm not amazing." His ego getting to him a bit slowly watching his eyes darken as he changes from Colby to Seth. 

He doesn't realize he does that sometimes. Just changing to his Seth persona on accident. Maybe it's just me but I kind of find really attractive.

I wonder what sex would be like with Colby and with Seth. I bet Colby would have sweet loving making love session. His hands roaming my body lightly making me feel like I'm an angel. Slowly taking my hands in his while giving me light kisses on my neck. Sucking on my sweet spots with his tongue gliding up and down my body. Putting himself in me going slow and steady inside of me making me moan at every touch of him. Gliding himself in and out of me with his lips on mine giving me sweet kisses. Going faster and harder eventually but still not to fast or hard making sure I'm taken care of. Whispering how much he adores me in my ear while I moan his name. 

On the other hand I can see Seth coming out to completely dominate me with his eyes darkened like they usually are with Seth. His arms on mine pinning them above my head his lips crashed on mine. Tongue shoving down my throat with him handcuffing my hands somehow. Biting my neck hard making me bleed but also making me moan. Sucking hard on every part of my body before biting it roughly. Tearing everything apart before thrusting into me hard and fast like no tomorrow. Making me scream and moan into his mouth causing him to give me that smug smirk knowing I love it hard. Shoving himself inside of me not caring how hard it is seeing the demon of him come out. Pounding into me making me turn on my stomach. Still pounding himself inside of me slapping my ass with his hands over and over at the same time. Forcing me to scream his name in pleasure while he grunts telling me he wants me to scream louder and louder. He wants everyone to know who is pleasuring me.

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