Dating The Champion

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So.. My last chapter is forced into private by Wattpad. You have to follow me to read it now. I know annoying but it is kind of important to the story. Sorry everyone.

Shoving on my tight black "A Day To Remember" tank top since we are going to see A Day To Remember in concert today. Pulling on my grey jean shorts on before slipping my black vans on. Looking into the mirror again seeing if my reflection I good enough or not yet. Seeing my hair messed up again from changing so much rolling my eyes at myself seeing if my outfit is good before re-brushing my hair. My emerald green eyes popping out more from my black tank with grey writing saying " A Day To Remember" on it. Turning slightly seeing my ass pop out my new grey shorts making me smile more. Perfect I want to look good for him especially tonight. This is our third date tonight and I have a good feeling he's going to ask me to be his.

Brushing my wavy hair back to normal while thinking to myself. I mean this would be a perfect date to ask me out to be his girlfriend for. For one it's our third date together. Second he's taking me to a concert. Third we both love that band and we got backstage passes to meet him. If he doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend tonight then I don't think he actually will.

I've been having so much fun with him these past couple of weeks. He's helping me train still for WWE and going to the gym with me to help me lift weights. Which let me tell you is a blessing because I get to see him flex all the time now. He's been taking me to dinner a lot after our matches together just one on one and he even blew off Cesaro once to take me out. Not only that but we've been doing more with the fans of WWE and they've been freaking out every time we go out together in the ring. He's even introduced me to some of his friends and they seem to like me a lot. I mean they seemed like they liked me a lot.

He's very protective of me since that one night. Dean even tried talking to me the other day pissed off and everything for who knows what but Seth got in his face. Pushing him away stopping him before he could do anything to hurt me again. I don't know what Dean wanted but just by the expression on his face it wasn't good. Good for me that Seth was near when Dean got close and like I said Seth made him leave me alone. I've never had someone care for me that much before in my life. He's so sweet to me.

He's not just my bestfriend, he's my partner in WWE, he's my trainer, and hopefully soon he will be my boyfriend. My actual boyfriend. I hope so.

My crush has developed into a lot lately with him around me more. With all the things happening around me it's hard not to slowly fall for him. Colby is amazing to me he hasn't done anything to stir me wrong. Plus he's basically around me all the time we've even been sharing hotel rooms lately. Like right now he's changing in the room while I change in the bathroom.

I do feel kind of bad for Phil but he's been with this mystery person always lately and he refuses to tell me who it is so I don't feel to bad.

Looking at my reflection one more time before smiling at myself opening the door to the room seeing Colby slipping on a tank. His bare chest exposed slightly still with him looking at me smiling a bit before pulling the tank all the way down. "Hello there beautiful." Blushing a deep red walking over to him putting my hands around his back. "Hey handsome." Hugging him tightly with him holding me back tightly not wanting him to let go of me. "You look gorgeous princess." Whispering in my ear as I giggle inhaling his cologne he knows I die for. "You smell delicious." Saying in a coy voice as he chuckles pulling back a bit. "I know I do I put it on just for you." Smiling up at him as he looks down into my eyes. "But-" Of course there's a but, there's always a but. "-we need to go so we can make the concert." Telling me with me nodding grabbing my phone off the charger putting it in pocket with my wallet.

"Okay lead the way." Saying to him grabbing his hand in mine intertwining our fingers together seeing him blush a bit. "Yes ma'am." Walking out the hotel room together hand in hand going down the corridors together. Reaching the staircase smirking up at him, "I'll race you down the stairs." His eyes narrowing down at me smirking his cocky smile. "Oh, yeah. You're going to lose princess." Putting his hat on backwards as if that gives him encouragement. "On 3." Saying to him opening the door both of us ready to bolt for. "1, 2, 3!" Yelling pushing him back to the corridor running in front of him going down the stairs 2 at a time. "HEY! That's cheating!" Screaming from behind me running down almost beside me but on my tail. "You never said I couldn't do that!" Bolting down faster before feeling arms wrap around my waist pulling me hard. Pushing me down on the stairs laughing at me falling on my butt running away. "Oh you're going to get it now Colby Lopez!" Getting back up running down seeing him already waiting at the door for me. "What's wrong princess?" Asking me while I cross my arms over my chest. "I was so going to win!" Exclaiming throwing my arms in the air upset. "I'm sorry how about I make it up to you?" "How?" Looking at him curiously feeling his lips on mine kissing me. "Feel any better?" Blushing deeply nodding, "Yeah." Putting my hand in his again intertwining our fingers again smiling up at him.

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