Tension Of The New Job

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Waking up with my alarm blaring by my ears. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!" Clicking the alarm off while rubbing my eyes before stumbling to the shower. Tired eyes barely opening as I turn on the light. Blinding me for a second while I slowly, from tiredness, take off my clothes. Turning on the hot water letting it warm up. Jumping in letting the hot shower burn me awake. Doing what I have to do, getting cleaned, then getting out the shower. Wrapping a towel around my hourglass figure walking towards my closet. Looking inside finding my work shirt, black skinny jeans, combat boots, and some undergarments still in a neat pile. Putting it all on putting everything else in the dirty laundry basket from the bathroom.

Going over to my phone checking the time seeing it is only 11:30am now. I need to be at the stadium at 3:00pm so Mrs.McMahon can show me around and have someone show me my camera. Then I learn where I record and do whatever The Authority wants me to do basically. Record the fight or backstage, get their groceries, do the laundry, meet the wrestlers, record the interviews, etc... I'm doing whatever they want me to! I'll do whatever they want me to is basically what I'm trying to say here. I mean that is what my contract actually said anyways.

Sighing going over to my fridge taking out my left over fruit salad from last night and just digging in. Just because I got a job for WWE for a camera person doesn't mean I'll stop working out and eating healthy. Eating it all up just sitting on my couch before putting away the dishes and going over to my work out room. Opening inch the door to the work out room putting on the fan before going over to pick up my weights. Maybe I shouldn't work out in my work clothes but whatever.

Picking up my weights going to the treadmill clicking on the scale to go at an easy walking pace first. Lifting my weights while walking slowly to jogging then running while trying to lift my weights. Getting to heavy for my arms not lifting them anymore just running with them in my hands. Finally getting to tired for that as well going to walk putting my weights down. Going back to a run as my legs need more work then my arms while I continue to run before my phone goes off signaling for me to move on to something else. Standing in my second room grabbing my jump rope going to the middle starting to go at it. Before I knew it my phone was signaling for the next thing again. Going to the medicine ball sighing cause I always hated this part of my workout. Grabbing it laying on the floor throwing it high up and letting it fall on my stomach. I know it's brutal but it helps garden my stomach and fit me to get used to the pain of being hit in the stomach. I got to do it to get stronger and it helps keep up my abs. Throwing it in the air as high as I can before bracing for impact having it hit me dead in my stomach. The wind being knocked out of me as I'm a but used to it by now just throwing up the medicine ball again. Not for long my phone rang rolling over in pain pushing the medicine ball back and going to my phone.

"H-hello." Answering it in pain, "RYNN!", hearing a voice I was so glad to hear. "Lana!" Coughing a bit as I try to gain my breathe. Yelling wasn't a good idea right now. "The medicine ball get you again?" Asking with a slight giggle as she knew my workout schedule. Chuckling a bit for my answer as she starts to ramble on. "I'm so glad to be able to see you again!!! I'm so glad they gave you the job and I'm going to help you meet the best people. Russev won't admit it but he misses you as well as me! He can be such a hard head!" Laughing a bit as it is true he can be such a hard head. "Well anyways stop working out if you haven't noticed it's almost time for you to come to the stadium. I'm already here hurry up and get here!" Lana saying before hanging up on me like usual.

Is it really almost time to get there? Checking the time on my phone seeing it said 2:15pm. Really Lana? I had more time. That's Lana for you though... My crazy best friend.

Sighing walking to my bedroom grabbing my keys and ID that Triple H delivered to me yesterday. Smiling as I see my shirt drenched in sweat just laughing a bit. Oh well. They shouldn't mind we all swear especially if you work for WWE. Zipping on my Roman Reigns jacket just in case if it gets cold. Walking out of my bedroom towards to my car. Getting in starting the ignition and starting the drive to the stadium.

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