Oye Primos is Cringe

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26 June 2023

Finally i can write my blog again, so. What's up?

And also, i have a little announcement that i probably gonna have less time spending in social media, gaming, writing etc. (I hope so) because i have a bigger errands related to my college. Yeah, i know. College stuff, they will shackled me unless i write my idea for later, which is something i rarely done it.

Alright, now let's get right to the meat and potatoes.

This month has been pretty crazy (No, i'm not gonna talk about Pride month, ok) Oceangate mini submarine, military coup in Russia and other stuff i can't mention even more.

But, there's one thing just announced this month, it was a show fot Disney TV, it called Primos created by Natasha Kline , it's a about a girl living with her other cousins in one roof during summer and surprise surprise. It took place in Los Angeles, California, again.

Apparently, this show was based on the creator childhood experience living in that area, i know it's not a bad thing when you creating stuff based on your personal life, but it seems the premise of the show kinda bland to me, also. Lots of people in one roof concept isn't new thing, Loud House was the one that come to my mind as i saw the opening intro. And yes, people even already calling it a Loud House rip off or Loud House but Disney.

So, after the release of the opening intro in various social media, it got backlash from Hispanic community across social media. And the backlash indeed justified.

Why? When the main character saying Oye Primos, Oye was singular. It should be Oigan Primos since she refers to her 12 cousins.

Not only that, apparently there's characters that named after slang/slurs, one that sticking to my mind was the one named Chucita which mean little pussy. Yeah, imagine didn't know about this despite you're claimed ha Mexican blood, or maybe this slang only could be heard in any certain region of Hispanic country.

The worse part of this whole fiasco was the voice actress of the mc decided to make a short video saying Spanish is a colonizer languange being forced upon the Latin America, and just hearing her tone, you can heard that she's so smug about it. And of course, this video causing more outrage, this girl only throwing gasoline to the fire., until now, there's no another response yet from her. If i ever has this kind of people working on my project, i just fired them no matter what their excuse is.

The creator of the show, Natasha Kline decided to do damage control, she answered why the main character spanish language were broken because she's can't speak spanish properly according a podcast where she's become the guest.

I'm not sure if she also discuss the voice actress behavior on the same podcast, nonethless. The damage already done, not only Hispanic who also pissed off with this upcoming cartoon, everyone dislike it, which is very understanble.

I don't have any interest on this show at all, the character design is absolutely horrendous, i don't have much faith on this one, i could guessing this cartoon will be canned after 1 seasons due to how horrible the backlash is.

It seems the cartoon series also struggling just like on the other division, only time would tell if this cartoon will become a misunderstood masterpiece or straight up dumpsterfire.

Also, check this video if you want to know more about the cartoon, including the teased pilot

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