Modern Geek Culture is Absolute Joke

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16 October 2023

What's up fellow reader!

It's been awhile since i write another blog, so. There's something i want to tell almost week ago before we going to the meat and potatoes.

I forget that i have a essay for mid-term exam that i should submit in 11 October 2023, but because i'm very busy and forget about the exam, i was much more focused on the thesis which currently stagnant for a moment (I actually aware i have exam at night before 11 October, i thought the exam was the typical exam, but it's not, so ignore it. Despite the fact. I have the screenshot of the essay assignment one week before the exam deadline.) That day was a hell for me, i rushed to write 750 max words nearby printing place (They have computer there that can be used by public) Rushed to write anything, i was finished and rushed toward the class. However, the supervisor of the exam has gone (In this case, i already signing my presence) I put it on the top of table and going home.

I decided to go back to the campus and bringing those essay paper to the lecturer transit room, i meet a guy who responsible for collecting the exam paper and put it on special place, i giving my paper but he said it's not eligible anymore and i already signing the presence, which in that case. I didn't bring any paper. So, the guy contacted the lecturer of the subject, i waited but no response, said the guy. So, i decided to go home. I thinking about very disastrous shit happened to me in this semester, i fucked up myself.

Alright, time for the main topic.

On the other day, i see Mauler uploaded video with title 'Star Wars cannot grow up', i decided to watch it and i surprised that the video length is only 46 minutes 20 seconds, very unusual for typical Mauler video since he really like to make video with long around 5 hours (No wonder why he also called Longman, but that just my hypotesis) If you're not aware, Mauler used to make video ripping apart Doctor Strange for 5 hours straight, he also done same thing with Ant-Man Quantumania. I remembered there's people on Twitter/X clowning over him because of video was ridicolously long to watch, well I guess those same people who criticize his video doesn't mind watching Quinton Review videos, which is much 3 hours longer than average Mauler videos, there's even Pyrocynical video about Utopia that took almost 12 hours, why people didn't complain shit about it too?? (I'm sure they put their energy against Mauler since typical Twitter/X user opposed his viewpoint, also.He's friend with Critical Drinker)

The video started as he explained a Futurama Episode The Sting, Season 4 Episode 16 then Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episode The Weight of the World, Season 5 Episode 21. I wondered why he explained both episode and what's the correlation with the Star Wars. I keep watching until he explained the Star Wars part, more specifically the recent Star Wars streaming show, Ashoka.

Now, if you asking me about my knowledge about Star Wars, pre and post-Disney. I only has 40-55% percent about the franchise. As far as i know; prequel bad, people hate Jar-Jar Binks, Darth Vader was Luke's father, Lightsaber, Dark Side, Princess Leia, Stormtrooper, Jedi, Anakin kill children, Order 66, Rey is Mary Sue, Disney desecrate the franchise, Kathleen Kennedy is terrible, the traitor scene in TFA and many more that too much to mention in this blog.

I keep watching the video until it showed bunch of clip of Star Wars "fan" overreacting on stuff that appears again from the past. As we called it, nostalgia bait.

Sure you can put nostalgia stuff on your story but come on, you shouldn't do it many times because of course, it would contrives the storyline and eventually got convoluted by the eye candy that called nostalgia, and Star Wars has done this many times.

After watching various reaction from the YouTuber and Twitter post on the same video, the only thing i do was sighed and shook my head.

Boy, what have they done to Star Wars franchise.

Like i said before, i'm not huge star wars fan but i do feel sad with the actual fan who really cares about the franchise, something that burned to the ground and rebuild by Disney in a very terrible way possible.

Before Disney bought Star Wars IP along with Lucasfilm, there's already lot of Star Wars stuff that worth to be adapted to silver screen which they don't need to relying on nostalgia, but we know how it goes now. Lot of it won't be adapted either because it doesn't follow the current day climate, not enough strong woman, problematic stuff, etc. But hey, i could wrong on this one. But at least these Pre-Disney Star Wars stuff could rest in dormant without getting desecrated by the dirty hand that's called Modern Day Disney.

And the latest thing they just desecrate from Pre-Disney era Star Wars was none other than General Thrawn, the most cunning villain in Star Wars universe that got reduced his capability in new Ashoka show, you remember any of the show? No? Then i don't blame you.

From what i learn about Mauler's video, Star Wars is the franchise that keep stagnant, only relying on past stuff to create new stuff to keep the "fans" engage with the franchise. Of course, the fans i talking about is the shills, not the real fans, real fans will be critical with the franchise if there's contrivance and wrong, but the people that got showed on his video proven o be people who will eat slop from big  corporation that doesn't care about the half-century years old franchise that has been thrived until they decided to fucked it up in modern day because of the current social culture demand more "strong women and representation" on the said franchise despite we already have it for long time, but the big corpo and higher ups trying to gaslight us that it's the first time they appears on the silver screen and expecting new audiences to clap like a mindless seal.

Moral of the story, don't ever sell your franchise to big corpo, hold it with your dear life until your last breath so no dirty hand get on you to desecrate your hard work and dividing the fanbase. And never, NEVER cater to the fake geeks that appears on the video.

Oh, never listen to Tumblr and twitter cultist.

P.S: This blog has been sitting for almost a month or two, glad i could get in touch with this blog again, and it's almost end of the year.

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