Welcome to the Most Entitled and Egotistical Generation

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03 June 2023

Wow, this month is a pride month according to western people, sorry. I don't celebrate one and i don't need one. You already know why.

Anyway, it's been awhile since I wrote the blog, maybe i should write a blog once in a month or maybe third time in a month, i dunno. If only i had those energy.

If you already seen the tittle, you know what are we going to talked about.

In this day and age, we live in a generation where people (Most of them were young adult and teenager) obsessed over representation and really wanted to see themselves in the silver screen (Or maybe video game, i guess.)

I remember back in the day, people relate to a fictional character struggle and personalities, but today. People still relate to such thing, but i always heard about people on internet (Especially twitter and maybe Tumblr) They really, really. Wanted to see themselves in term of sexuality, gender, disabilities, etc.

Yep, you know where this going to.

Entertainment corporation took this opportunity to benefit the very weak mindset of these people, they decided to created a product that probably only consumed by these type of people. But when they started to touch something historical or maybe something from the past. We have a problem.

Cleopatra is one of them,  Netflix "documentaries" about the most well-known queen of Egypt being race-swapped, i'm not joking. Even Jada Pinkett Smith (Yes, the wife of Will Smith), Tina Garavhi (Idk how i type her name) and Adele James doubling down on this docu-series. Their take is ranged from blaming white privilige, blaming whole country of Egypt as racist and blackwashing didn't exist.

Congrats for being an idiot whoever responsible on this so called "Docu-series", eventually Netflix got sued by the lawyer from Egypt for desecrating their history, oh boy. I really wish for the Egypt the best on this battle. To teach a lesson how to not be a dumbass on creating something.

It's really ick me so much about race-swapping and how it's has become a trend in the entertainment industry, a perfect weapon to call everyone racist for not liking the character they race-swapped. Weirdly enough, they have a huge problem when it comes to race-swapped a black character to white one.

If you ok white race-swapping white to black, then you should be ok with black to white, if it's not ok. Then neither should be doing it.

I told you, race-swapping is the most laziest strategy and they thought it gonna makes money, these company never care about you. Never, they just want to take a money from gullible minority, and also. For a sake of esg score because they wanted to see themselves (Company) as a good boy.

All of stuff that western entertainment media really damaging the society, especially for a creativity, social and also political, which is eventually leaked to the other part of the world thanks to the internet.

Everyday, i saw very stupid takes about challenging the system that never broken in the first place while they benefiting from those system. Which implying that they demand more and more from it.

You can see people of twitter bitching and moaning over stuff that actually isn't that offensive in the first place and also demanding some certain stuff to add more diversity and inclusion (Despite corpo and creator has tried their best to add such genuinely) They still saying shit unfortunately.

Today entertainment corporation is the one who blamed for all of this mess (And also influencer as well) because they created the generation that we know today, it used to be something that isn't taken serious, but later corporation taking advantage and making these people who they are.

They felt victimized, they has anxiety, becoming more entitled and egotistical. And we can see everything unfolded on twitter.

And of course, because all of this, everytime you heard word diversity, you felt turned off and it has a negative conotation even though the creator making a genuine craft that has better diversity than the corpo make, an original character not just a quick color palette swap.

I really worried this trend will eventually hit the other side of the world, luckily, we stil hold what we believe and we eventually created a craft that to cater to a fans, not an activist.

Never, ever listen to these people who never watch, playing, read or listen to your stuff and they crying about uneccessary thing that never a problem in the first place, this is why majority entertainment company failed, they sastifying the wrong side of the people and at the same time, making these people become more ferocious and also creating more problem out of thin air.

As they failed, they blame the fans and calling them any names.

That's the world we live in today.

And i hope for you, the reader. Creating stuff that really genuinely great and didn't cater to the wrong side of the internet.

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