My Thesis Journey has Begun

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23 September 2023

2 days till my birthday

Sup, it's been awhile. Haven't writing much for a moment, lot of stuff happened irl and too busy with my New Vegas, sometimes i need to hop into the Fortnite just for the grinding, i might discuss modern gaming (Especially live service game) as a chore, not a fun stuff to grind but a mandatory to get the items what we wanted by putting more hours on said games.

I apologize for everyone who's waiting for next chapter of 4th episode, i currently working on it. It's almost done, i also need to write the epilogue as well.

So, few days ago. The college has announced the thesis's title along with with who's gonna supervise the said thesis, there's 3 of them. And finally i could started my thesis journey.

Beforehand, i've been heard that the govt of my country will remove the thesis system as a final assignment of college, however. We (College students) already submitted the title long before announcement from official govt, but now. It seems that doesn't happened to me.

Well i don't care. So, the reason why i write this, i want to tell everyone that i might be very busy in term of doing irl stuff and college final assignment, i know it suck. But past few days, i haven't much doing some stuff.

Also, i want to take a break from drawing for a moment, but i already have a schedule when i should draw and when i should write.

Sorry, it's very short. Just want everyone know that i'll be busy man irl

And let's hope Fortnite next season battle pass suck ass so i can take a break for whole season and didn't smash my controller

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