Chapter 2: When the snow sticks

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No one's POV

"Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today, " says Aro. As everyone on the Cullens side celebrates by hugging the person closest to them in victory, 2 people stand there with smugs on their faces.

Aro seeing this has a different idea,"Vladimir and Stefan, seeing you here out in the open makes me really think we should have YOUR trial. You got away so many years ago. But you took something very precious to us. You killed your Queen and my sister. You should finally pay for your actions. I'm sure Marcus would love to tear your heads off, seeing as how my sister was his mate."

"You think that night was the end of it, you Italian scum? No, it was just the beginning. They just need a little more training, and then we will crush you," Vlad replies.

Aro hearing the word "they" is now curious to what or who that have up their sleeve. "Oh really? And who is this they you speak of? Not creating a newborn army now, are we? I thought you would be smarter than that. However, now that you are threatening us with SO many witnesses, I do believe you just signed your own death warrant. Jane, Alec, Dimitri, and Felix, would you please follow out the execution?"

Stefan knew they were totally screwed now and tried to play one last card, "You won't know where to find them, and trust me, you want them!"

"How would you know if we would want to keep them in the Volturi or not?" Aro questions

Vladimir speaks up again, hoping to be sparred, "Because we took something that night all those years ago. Did you ever wonder how you 'blacked' out for a portion of the time? We had help from a witch, and while you were in la la land, she also stole a sample from ALL 6 of you. "

This time, Caius speaks up, "And what did you do with this sample, and how is it important?!"

"You see, once we heard of Mrs. Cullens pregnancy, we took the chance to recreat it. It was quite a success too!" Vlad brags

Aro processing the information as quickly as he can finally comes to a conclusion, "Are you trying to tell me that you made a child from our 'samples'?"

"3, actually."

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