Chapter 15: Mother's got your back

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Ari bolted up out of bed. She couldn't tell if she had just dreamed of an older Mary or if it was a vision, but she was gonna find out.

She got out of bed and saw there was a beautiful dress hanging up by the bathroom door with a note attached.

'My dear Arianna,
Good morning, darling. We left you a dress to wear for the day. We will get you and the others more clothes today. We will see you later!

❤️ Mom and Dad's

"It is so beautiful. Maybe I'll get lucky and bump into Alec on the way!"

She ran to change in the bathroom, and when she came out, Alec was in her room with a breakfast tray. He was turned away and getting ready to fill an empty glass.

"Good morning, Alec. You didn't have to do all this. You are just the best. "

Alec turned around with a smile. The smile soon turned into a last filled look, and he shattered the goblet in his hand.

"Ari, you Where uhhh, where did you get the dress?" He was stuttering

"The letter attached said, ❤️ Mom and Dad. However, I am assuming it was mainly my mother's pick." She said, walking towards him.

"I should really thank your mother. Why don't you sit down to eat and have a cup of blood. You really need it." He said, leading me to the table.

"Ok, but I must see Mary as soon as I'm done."

"Why is that love?" He looked concerned.

"Well, part of my gift is seeing the future. I think I may have had a vision of Mary fully grown. Felix made himself look like a complete idiot in the vision, too!" She laughs

"You're a seer? Does your father know? And what do you only mean part of it?" Alec had so many questions.

"No, my father does NOT know. We weren't able to explain all of that yesterday. And I say only part of it because with the limited blood and food, my gift is limited. I could see a vision but play it out for everyone to see like a projector."

"Wow. I have a gift, too. I can take away people's senses with a black mist that comes from my hands." Alec was totally boasting.

"Well, I am finished. Shall we go then?" Ari aasker.

"Love, you barely ate. You should eat more." He was worried

"Alec, I can't. I ate as much as I could. It is gonna take us girls awhile before we can't eat normal portions. Our stomachs can't handle it."

Alec understood. He walked over, took her hand, and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"Shall we go find Mary, my love?" He asked

"Lead the way, my sexy Italian." She called him


They were just about Mary's room when she got the courage to interlock their fingers and rest her head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing, my love? "Alec smiled at her.

"I don't know. But it feels right. It feels safe." She said.

Alec stopped and raised her chin to have her meet his eyes. He leaned down and kissed her.

Ari reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt him wrap his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. It was heaven!

"Alec!" Aro was there. Standing right in front of them, looking pissed.

"I'm sorry Master Aro. I love Arianna. She is my mate. I can't stand to be away from her. Please don't split us apart." Alec said with a plea in his voice.

"I never said I would, Alec. However, I have a rule. Refrain for groping my daughter in the middle of the halls! If not, I might have to, what do the kids say now a day, hand your ass to you.

Arianna! What are you wearing? Where did you even find a dress like that? It is too revealing." Aro was going into protective dad mode.

Arianna smiled. She knew what her mother did. "Dad, the note said it was from you and mom."

"Oh, course, it was your mother! " I will be talking with her. "

All of a sudden, Felix went speeding by. "Oh no! The vision already happened!" Ari yelled and ran the rest of the way.

"Vision? What vision darling?" Aro yells for his daughter before chasing after her.

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