Chapter 9: Saving Cassie

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Warning mention of r.a.p.e

No one's POV

Everyone arrived at Volerra Castle. They made pretty good timing. Upon their arrival, Caius tries to wake a sleeping Cassie.
"Cassie honey, we are here. Cassie? Cassie!? Cassopia, open your eyes this instant!"

"Cauis, why won't she wake?!" Dora started to worry.

"Carlisle!!!!" He yells

Carlisle runs in. Seeing Cassie and immediately rushing off with her to a nearby room. Everyone is running behind him, wondering what happened to Cassie.

"Carlisle, please. I just got her in my life. I can't lose her! Please help her, " cried Dora.

"My Kings and Queens, why don't you wait outside? I will be out very soon with an update."

Almost everyone started to leave the room, except for 1. Demetri. He could not bring himself to leave her. He already knew she was his mate.

"Demetri, I know this is hard for you, but I need to wait outside with the others. I need to do a full physical exam." Carlisle says calmly

45 mins later

Carlisle looks put with a sorrowed face. "Caius, can you and your wife come talk to me privately?"

"Carlisle, I appreciate you trying to keep privacy, but you know everyone here will hear us and Aro will know as soon as he touches anyone. Just tell us. Is she ok? Will she be ok?" Cauis says

"*sigh* From what the test show me is severe malnutrition, starving, dehydration, and abuse. I would guess and say she has probably never had blood. That is a big reason why she is so weak." Explains Carlisle

"But she will be ok? We can feed her properly. Feed her blood daily if needed until she recovers." Dora said hopefully

"You are correct in that aspect. And that sounds like an excellent plan. However, I did come across one more thing. And this is the thing I wanted to say in private. I'm so very sorry. But I did find signs of sexual assault. I believe Vladimir may have raped her." Carlisle said while looking at the floor.

Caius hearing that his baby girl was.....he couldn't even say the word in his head, made his inner beast come out. Not wanting to scare the girls and his wife, he ran to his chamber.

Dora was left there crying. Sulpcia steps up to comfort her coven sister. Sulpcia now worried that her own daughter may have been touched now, worrying her as well tries to think positive.

"They are gonna Dora. They can't hurt her anymore. We have her, and we will protect her!"

"My Queens, I believe Cassie is waking up. I hear her heart rate picking up a bit. Would u like to see her?" Carlisle says

"Yes. I will see my daughter now." Dora begins to walk in the room when she stops and thinks....Demetri just heard his mate was abused and possibly raped. He is got to be going crazy.

She turns around and see Demetri with his head in his hands.
"Demetri. Would you care to join me?"

Demetri looks up with a surprised look. "I would be honored my Queen."


Walking into the room, Cassie is struggling to sit up.

"Cassie, you should be laying down. You need your rest. By the way my name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. How are you feeling? Would you be up to answering some questions?"

"Oh. Nice to meet you Dr. Cullen. I'm fine. I just was tired I guess. And sure what would you like to know?" She said knowing fully well she could pass out again any minute.

"What do you mean you feel fine. You are starved, dehydrated, and have you ever had blood Cassie? You know what nevermind. I'm gonna go get some. I'll be right back." Demetri said without breathing in between sentences.

"*chuckles* Well Demetri asked one of my questions already. Have you ever had blood before Cassie?" Carlisle asks

" Stefan says the gave me 2oz once when I first born. But after that, no."

"But sweetheart when we were leaving Romania you had 2 blood pouches and Ari and Mary look well fed." Her mom said

"Ari and Mary were given blood once a week. But it wasn't enough for then to grow. So I saved the 2 I got from Stefan one night for emergencies." Cassie said

"Cassie, I'm sorry to ask this next question.....when I did you exam, I found signs of assault. But I also found signs of sexual assault. Cassie.....were you raped?" Carlisle looked at her waiting for an answer.

Dora also waiting for her daughter to respond.

"No. I wasn't raped. It was a close call though. He did try. More than once. But that's when he stopped feeding me human food. He tried to weaken me and my powers. No strength, powers, no fighting back." She said looking down ashamed. "He did touch me. Made me touch him but he never succeeded with "finishing" that task."

In some sense Dora was relieved. Cassie still went through hell but part of her was still unharmed.

"Where is dad?" She looks up at her mom.

"He had to step away for a moment. He will be back soon sweetheart. Don't worry" Dora tells her

"I don't want to start our relationship with each other by lying. But can we not tell Dad about this part? I don't want to see him ashamed of me." Cassie asked

Dora couldn't believe her ears. "Cassopia, your father would not be ashamed of you. He loves you. This was NOT your fault!"

"I know you say that, but he has already left has he not."

"Well mommy is gonna go get him now!"

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