Chapter 16: Powers

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Ari is running to Cassie's room with Alec and Aro behind her.

When she reaches the bedroom, she is greeted by a teenage Mary.

"Mary?" She whispers.

"Hey Ari, did you see this happening?" Cassie says with a smile.

"I wasn't sure if it was a dream or a vision. However, I see now it was definitely a vision." Ari smiles

Aro speaks up. "What do you girls mean vision? Ari, please explain to you poor papa who seems to be out of the loop." He fakes sadness.

"Well, it is part of my gift. I'm a seer, and once I'm stronger again, I can even project the vision for all to see." She said.

Aro starts bouncing on his tippy toes like he is a kid. "I finally get a seer! I finally get a seer!" He starts singing.

"Uncle Caius. Is he OK? What is he all happy about? Ari asked.

"He has been wanting a seer to join the coven for centuries. Now that he has one and it being his own daughter, he believes he has hit the jackpot." Caius rolled his eyes.

"Are you the only one with a gift, my love?" Alec asks.

"No. All of us have one." Ari said.

"Wait, Cassie, you have a gift?!" Demetri and Caius yelled at once.

"Uhh yeah. Mary calls me 'The Snow Queen'. I can make ice and snow and control it. Stefan said he thinks I would be able to control any liquid if I was stronger. Snow and ice melt into water. I have just been too weak to test out the theory." Cassie says, looking at the ground.

"That's why they kept you so weak. They thought you could be a threat and break out." Athenodora said.

"We were going to try to break out the night you came. It had just snowed, so I wouldn't have to make it. Just control it." Cassie explained.

"What about you, Mary?" Athenodora asked with a smile.

"I can make people feel warm and happy." She smiled.

"That's not entirely true, sweetie." Cassie said.

"What are you talking about, Cassie?" Mary asked.

"I overheard Stefan and Vlad talking one night after they beat me. They were talking about not feeding you anymore because your gift would be too powerful. That's when I started giving most of my food because they weren't giving you any." Cassie said.

"What about my gift was dangerous?" Mary was confused.

"Mary, you did just make them warm. You can turn vampires back into humans." Cassie whispered.

The whole room. Was quiet, and everyone's eyes were bugged out of their heads.

"That's why you're so sick now. It was because of me. If I wasn't so weird, they wouldn't have starved us!" Mary started blaming herself.

"No, no, no, my sweet Mary. They would have at some point. They were cruel on their own. It had nothing to do with you! Remember that! It is NOT your fault!" Cassie ran to her and rubbed the side of her face while looking her straight in the eyes to prove a point.

"Mary. Cassie is right. They were monsters. You are not weird, my dear. You are wonderful with amazing power. One that can even be used for good. We will make sure that your powers are used only for good and when you deem it ok." Aro said.

"We need to tell Marcus, brother." Caius said to Aro.

"I agree. Demetri, Alec, come." Aro commanded.

"Yes masters." They responded.

As soon as the Masters had turned their backs, Demetri and Alec gave them a quick but loving kiss.

"Well, girls. My mother promised me clothes. Let's go shopping!" Ari yelled,

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