Chapter 25: Hot head Livy

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Carlisle was waiting in the library for Edward to arrive. He needed to talk to his son about what he had missed at home and what Edward should expect here.

"Carlisle! It's great to see you." Edward hugged his father.

"Same to you, my boy. Aro is having the private jet take me home in 3 hours. So let's talk. What is going on at home with Bella?"

Edward rubbed his hands down his face. "I don't even know how to explain it. She is very cocky I guess. She believes she alone defeated the Volturi that day in the clearing. Her shield protected everyone, and if it weren't for her, we would have lost."

"Really? She really has created a fantasy in her head then. While her ability is a great asset, she is NOT anyone to be feared." Carlisle was trying to think of a solution.

"Carlisle, there is something else. I believe she is unsafe to have around Renesmee."

"Why do you say that? She showed great control over her blood thirst." Carlisle said.

"It's not that. I believe she is using Renesmee as a staus of power. She thinks that she did the impossible by having her and deserves power and respect. I was scared to leave Renesmee with her. So, I left her in Rosalie and Jacob's care." Edward through his head back towards the ceiling.

"This is very troubling, Edward. I know she is your wife, but if it comes down to it, I may have to kick her out of the coven. Of course, you and Renesmee will be more than welcome to stay."

Edward shook his head, understanding his coven father's decision.

"It is getting time for me to leave. I don't mean to brush off the situation with Bella. However, I would like to fill you in on a couple of things before I leave."

"I understand, Carlisle. Fill me in." Edward was giving him his full attention.

"In Romania, the kings found their daughters. Cassie, who is Caius' daughter, was quite sick from lack of blood and food. She is healing very nicely. Mary is Marcus' daughter. She was about 6 when she was found but grew to her full size overnight. Then there is Ari, Aro's daughter. She is the one who just had twins with Alec."

"Wow twins. Must run in the family." Edward chuckled.

"They look to be about 4 years old right now. They grow quicker due to more vampire gene. Alexander is mischievous but a great kid. Olivia is a sweetheart but a real hot-head, so be careful of that." Carlisle laughed, knowing Edward would probably feel her wrath at some point.

"Olivia? Cute name. That name gives me tingles for some reason." Edward said nonchalantly.

Carlisle looked at him with his eyebrows raise. "Uh huh. Well, normally, that would mean that is the name of your mate."

Edward shook his head no. "I am not mated to a Volturi!"

"Whatever you say, son. I have to leave. Head to the throne room to see Aro. I'll see you in a week."
Edward had made his way to the throne room.

"Ahh, Edward, come in, come in!" Aro smiled.

"Aro, I understand you needed my assistance?"

Aro sat down on his throne. "Yes, I do. I know Carlisle explained the problem to you. We are hoping to start tonight if you are ok with that."

"That would be fine. May I ask a question?" Edward asked.

"Of course!"

"You seem less.....crazy." Edward wasn't sure how to say it.

"Well, children can change you, Edward. I believe you understand what I mean." Aro said.

"I do." Edward was about to ask another question when the throne room door opened with a young boy running in.

"Papa! Olivia told me you like her better!"

Aro chuckled and picked up the child. "Xander, you know your sister likes to wind you up. I love you both equally. However, if she does say that again, remind her that we share a name."

Edward was blown away. He couldn't believe how Aro talked to a child. With love and kindness. The door opened again to an angelic voice.

"I was just playing Xander. Papa loves both of us. I'm sorry I said what I did. You just made me so mad when you ate my cookie!"

Aro sighed. "Of course, there was a cookie involved. Where is your mother?"

The twins looked at each other and smiled.

Marcus began chuckling. "You are both supposed to be napping. Aren't you?"

"Yes." They said guilty

Xander pulled Olivia's hand. "We should get back to our room."

Edward took this opportunity to meet his future mate. "Who is this little cutie?"

Olivia got angry and kicked him in the shin.

Edward yelled out. "Ahh!"

Alec had entered the throne room at this point. Olivia! You have got to stop kicking people! And your mother is losing it right now. You don't just sneak out of your room."

"But Daddy, he called me little!" Olivia said defensively.

"You are like 4 years old, Olivia! You ARE little!" Alec argued back.

Olivia saw red again and kicked her Dad in the shin.

"Damnit, Olivia! Stop kicking!" He rubbed his leg.

Both Alec and Edward looked at each other with sympathy. They had both been on the end of Olivia's anger.

"XANDER! LIVY!" A woman who looked similar Aro came running in.

"Oh my babies! You can't do that me! I was so worried!"

"We're sorry, Momma." They twins said.

She looked up and saw her mate and another guy rubbing their legs.

"Oh, Livy. You need anger management."

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