Chapter 8: Hot damn

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As we reach the top of the stairs we are welcomed by 3 other men. And God damn they are fine as HELL!
My eyes land on this guy who looks to be my age, and incredible hair.
I have always to try not show too much emotion but that boy made me want to smile like a damn idiot. As I was about trip on raised stone races over and catches me in his arms. AHH
I have to fall more often around him.

We are getting lost into each other's  eyes, when says "Hello princess, my name is Alec. It is so wonderful to meet you." And he kisses the back of my hand!!! Sir Alec, you missed my lips by couple of feet. Damn, play it cool Ari!

As I was getting to reply his smile drops and takes a step back. Did I do something? I was gonna ask until I felt a hole being burning into back of head. I turned around and....oh yeah mom and dad. Well that is awkward. Mom looks happy as hell while dad looks like he wants to send Alec to hell.

Caius starts laughing at the fact he already lost his daughter to another male. That is until Marcus held out his hand. I don't know what was going on but my dad began to smile again and point to Cassie who was really close with another guard. Caius smile gone! They looked at each other the same way Alec and I did.

"Demetri! Back up! This isn't ladies night and your stupid night club! Cassie come with me honey!" Caius yells.

I see Cassie reluctantly walk back but this girl winked at him in the process. GET IT GIRL!

There is one more guy. And holy crap, I need to learn his name. If I never need anything off the top shelf he will be my go to. However I don't like how he stares at Mary. Granted it doesn't look perverted but he still seems like he wants to be at her side 24/7.

My father speaks up. "Girl's let me introduce you! The tall one over there is Felix. The blonde that Caius screamed at is Demetri. And finally we have...A L E C." He slowly pushed out Alec's name.

"Now that everyone knows everyone, we should get going. You 3 hold up the end to make sure nobody gets separated or lost." Dad says

Demetri now realizeling Cassie's condition walks over to her and says, "It would be my privilege to carry to Volterra."
Cassie smiles and shakes her head yes. That's right girl! Get your man!!! But she get blocked by her dad.
"What are you doing Cassopia?"
Oof already full naming. He must be pissed.
"Demetri offered to carry me. I thought we were leaving."
Come on girl bat your eyelashes. Make him melt.
"I will be carrying you Volterra honey. Do not worry. If I need a rest I promise you Demetri can carry you."
I see Cassie nod and walk over to her mother. However I did hear Caius' say to Demetri
"However I won't need a break."

Alright everyone in positions? Perfect. Let us go.

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