Chapter 5: We are gonna be free

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In Romania, 3 girls sit on a lump of hay on the floor of their cold/wet, huddling for warmth. A blonde girl and a dark-haired girl take turns on rocking the 6yr old sister.

The dark-haired girl known as 'Ari' or 'Arianna' yells to the older blonde 'Cassopia' or 'Cassie' for short.
"Cassie, I think Mary ( the 6 yr old) is hungry. I am, too. Those monsters have been gone so long and didn't leave us enough food. What are we going to do?"
Cassie could tell she was scared, but she had been working on a plan since they were left alone weeks ago.
"Well, for now, we will just have to keep eating from the stash we have saved up. However we leave tomorrow night. It will snow, and that should be enough to get us out."
Cassie walks over to a loose stone on the floor and picks it up. There, she has stored pieces of bread, apples, and 2 blood bags. Ari didn't know this, but Cassie has never had blood. She has always saved it for the younger girls. She was the protective big sister and made she they would never go hungry. When she turned around to hand some food to Ari, she could see her spacing out, which means she was having a vision. All the 3 of us have 'gifts'. Ari has visions of the future. Mary can make the coldest person feel warm by the happiness she spreads. Then their is Cassie. She could control water, snow, and ice. Her power was great, but with the beatings and starvation, it takes a lot out of her.
"Ari, what did you see?" Cassie asked.

"Vladimir and Stefan are dead! But there are 9 people coming for us. I can't tell why, though. Cassie, you actually look like one of them, and so do I. I'm so confused. " ari cries.

"Don't worry, Ari! Because no matter what, we are gonna free!"

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