Chapter 12: It's my fault

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No one's POV:

Athenodora climbed the stairs to her and her husband's chambers. As she approaches the door, she can her things breaking and Caius yelling.

Dora opens the door. "My love, what are you doing?! Have you been here the whole time?"

Caius looks up. "You should be with Cassie. Why are you here!? Our daughter needs you more!"

"Our daughter needed BOTH of us. However, she has retired for the evening. Why did you leave? I don't understand." She took his hands.

"Don't you get it, Dora? Cassie was hurt so much because of Vladimir's hatred for me! If I wasn't such a cold-hearted monster, my daughter may have been saved from a lot of the abuse and...." he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.

"Caius, she wasn't raped. He tried, but she fought him off. She is strong. Like her father. However, she believes you left because you are ashamed of her."

Caius eyes bugged. "I could never be ashamed of her! She is perfect! She is my special girl. The child I have always wanted but never thought I could have. I just felt so guilty that her suffering was my fault."

"It is not your fault, Caius. Vlad and Stefan were hell-bent on revenge in any form they could get it. You can not not up hold the law." Dora tried to soothe him.

"What else did she say? Why is she so weak and sick, Dora? Will she recover?" He started to shake. If human, he would be crying.

"She said that the entire time she has been alive, she has probably only had 2 oz of blood and very limited food. She had those 2 bags hidden for Ari and Mary. She was more worried about them not being hungry. From what I hear, Ari and Cassie are like sisters, but Mary recognizes Cassie as her mother."

Caius bolts up to the door but is stopped by Dora. "What are you doing, Dora?! I need to get Cassie some blood! My baby is literally starving. She needs it to heal, too!"

"Calm down, Caius. Demetri got her some already. She drank a whole cup and was ready to sleep after that."

"Demetri?! You didn't leave them alone, did you? I see how he looks at her! It's how I look at you! Cassie is too young for boys!" Caius yells

Dora chuckles. " I did leave them alone. Sweetheart, they are mates. You know this. He will only have her best interest in mind. He will even speed up her recovery process. Besides, I have a feeling she will always be "too young for boys" in your opinion."

Caius sighs and sits down. "Fine Dora. But the first time he hurts her or I witness his tongue in her mouth, I will kick his ass!"

"I'll make sure to tell them the rules in the morning, darling." Dora lays down laughing.

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