Chapter 18: Heidi

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Cassie was getting stronger. Slow but surely. She was really hoping to spend more time with Demetri. She started to feel sad and lonely without her mate.

One day, Cassie went to Demetri's room to see him when she noticed a girl outside his room. She hid behind a pillar and listened.

"Aww, Demetri baby. I miss you. Why don't you come to my bed anymore?" The slut said.

"You know why Heidi. If we were caught, we would both be in trouble." Demetri told her

Cassie's heart was broken. He didn't love her as much as she loved him. She felt tears run down her face. She then felt anger. She had been played. She rushed from the hall to her room. As soon as the door shuts the room, freezes all around her.

"You will pay for this." She growled before she passed out.


"Demetri, I need you to keep Heidi on your good side. I have a feeling she is working for a different coven." Aro said.

"Of course, Master. However, you know the relationship she and I used to have. I will not have my mate thinking I'm cheating on her." Demetri said.

"I understand. If you need to have someone else take over for you, come to me." Aro said.

Demetri was in his room when he heard a knock. He opened it to see Heidi there.

"Aww, Demetri baby. I miss you. Why don't you come to my bed anymore?" Heidi flirted.

'Why did I even do anything with her? She is so unappealing to me.'
"You know why Heidi. If we were caught, we would both be in trouble." Demetri acted along.

"Well, if you get the courage, come see me tonight." Heidi winked and walked away.

Caius was walking to his room, hoping to see his wife and daughter. When he opened the door, he was greeted by his wife, but where was his daughter?

"Dora love, have you seen Cassie?" He asked.

"I thought she was with you. Have you not seen her?!" Dora became anxious.

"Calm down, love. She is in the castle somewhere." Cauis said.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Enter," Caius said

Jane walked in nervously. "Master, my lady. There is something going on in Cassie's room."

Caius and Dora didn't ask questions they just ran.

When they got to the room, the door was iced over. Caius tried bashing it in while Dora cried out. "Cassie?! It's mommy. Are you ok?" No response.

Felix and Mary came running. "Master, let me help." Felix said. He was the strongest vampire around.

Felix managed to crush the ice but needed a little extra help opening the door. Something was blocking it. Both Caius and Felix pushed as hard as they could until the door finally opened.

Cassie was floating above her bed unconscious. Snow and ice swirled around the room. Caius went to grab her and was thrown back against the wall.

Cassie floated back down to the bed, and her whole body encased in a thick ice coffin.

"Cassie?" Her parents whispered.

Ari came running in. "Oh no. It wasn't what you think, Cassie. He loves you! He was helping my father. Please wake up."

"What is going on, Arianna?" Dora asked.

"Cassie saw Demetri flirting with Heidi. Dad believes her to be a spy to another coven and asked him to keep her on his good side." Ari said.

"So she is broken hearted? Let me go find Demetri." Caius said, smiling psychotically.

"Rest in peace, Demetri." Felix muttered.

Moments later, Caius returned to Cassie's room with his hand around Demetri's neck.

"Look at what you did! You flirted with that whore in front of my daughter and she is giving up. Shutting down!" Caius yelled.

"No! Cassie baby, wake up! I love you! I would never do that!" Demetri panicked.

Ari gasped and was pulled into a vision. "She will awaken in a couple of days. Her emotions made her over do it. She will be ok."

Caius squeezed Demetri's throat. "Now the question is will you be here when she awakens."

"Caius love. Put him down. He was following Aro's orders. Cassie took the situation wrong. She will be upset if he is gone when she awakens." Dora tried to reason with him.

"You are to forget this 'mission's and focus on Cassie. Do you understand me?" Caius growled.

"I would want it no other way Master."
"Aro, why did you have to pull Demetri into your plans? Just touch the girls hand!" Caius yelled.

"The girl always wears a glove, and if I ask her to remove it, she will become suspicious. We can't have her taking off until we know where the threat is coming from." Aro said.

Marcus spoke up. "Maybe we should call Carlisle. Have his son Edward come read her. She doesn't know of his gift."

"Like they would do anything for us after we almost killed the child." Caius retorted.

"A simple trade Caius. Check in's twice a year for their help. They want to go back to normal. This would be the opportunity. I will make the call." Aro said.

Aro walked to his study and saw his daughter sitting on his couch. "My dear. What brings you by?" He smiled.

"Dad, I just wanted to say..... I love you. Thank you for finding us and bringing us home." She went over and hugged him like she was going to lose him.

Aro smiled and hugged her back. "Oh my dear. You never have to thank me. Your mother and I love you so much. You are making me a better man. I can't believe I have lived as long as I have without you." He kissed her head.

"Ok, dad. Go make that call, and don't worry, they will come." Ari said.

"Did you see that?" Aro asked

"No. I can just feel it, though."

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