Chapter 19: Mom?

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Cassie had finally opened her eyes. She looked around to see Demetri sitting down. In a chair with his head in his hands.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She croaked out.

Demetri's head snapped up. "Baby! You're awake. I promise it isn't what you think." He could explain himself anymore because he was thrown against a wall and frozen there.

"I won't listen to your lies. You will leave my sight! Mom?!?! Dad?!?!" She yelled.

Dora and Caius came running in. "Oh baby. You're ok. Can momma get you anything?"

"Yeah, this asshole out of my room." She said flat toned.

Caius took her hand into his. "I will. After you hear me out. Aro asked Demetri to spy on Heidi. They didn't do anything."

Cassie was shocked. She looked at Demetri. His head still hung in shame. "Do you know how much it hurt? Even if you didn't do "anything." I saw you flirting with another woman."

"I'm sorry, mi amore. I never wanted to hurt you. You are the most important thing to me. I won't be continuing this mission. No more women. I promise." He said.

"Well, there is still one more problem." Cassie said.

"What my love?" Demetri was worried.

"We are gonna need some blow dryers. I haven't figured out how to melt my ice yet." Cassie smiled.

Caius laughed. "We will figure it out together, sweetheart."

Mary and Felix were off in a separate room making out. They hadn't left each other since the throne room.

"I love you, Felix." Mary whispered.

"I love you, Mary." He says back.

"We are gonna have to leave this room eventually. I am actually quite hungry." She says.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, love? You grew a lot in 24 hrs. You need more blood, probably. I will go get you some now." Felix stole another kiss and sped out.

She was sitting there smiling, thinking about how great she had it when she heard a woman call her name.

"Mary. Mary. Mary. Come to me, my child." The voice said.

Mary decided to follow it. The voice kept repeating itself and getting louder until it stopped. When she looked around, she was in a garden with a headstone.

"Didyme Volturi." Mary read out the name.

"You're my mom. I wish you were here." Mary laid down next to the stone and cried.

When her tears hit the grass, it began to glow. Mary sat up and started to panic.

The glowing finally faded away. Mary was about to leave when she felt arms wrap around her.

"I knew you would find me, my little sun."

Mary turned around to see a woman, who looked so much like her.

"Mom?" She asked.

"Yes, my child. You have brought me back. It must be your gift. I died as a vampire, so you turned my ashes back into a human. Giving me another chance." Didyme smiled.

"You're gonna have to go through being turned again?! That sucks butt. I'm sorry, mom."

"Haha. That is such a small price to pay. To spend eternity with you and your father. Speaking of which, shall we go find him?" She held her arm out.

"We shall. Then I want to talk about boys. Things are getting serious with Felix, and I couldn't necessarily go to dad with questions." Mary laughed.

Mary and Didyme came upon the throne room and heard the kings inside. "Let me get him warmed up, mom."

She opened the door, and the kings looked at her. "Mary, are you ok? What is it you need, little sun?" Marus asked.

"Well, I went for a walk earlier, and I stumbled upon a garden with a headstone." She said.

Marcus eyes dropped in sadness. "You found your mother."

"I guess you could say that." Mary mumbled.

"Did you have questions about her, my dear?" Aro asked.

"I do, but she can just answer them later." Mary said.

The kings looked at her like she was crazy until the door opened to reveal Didyme.

"My sun!" Marcus ran to her.

"Be careful dad she is human!" Mary yelled.

Marcus slowed himself down and held her gently like she would break.

"How is this possible? I don't even care. I have missed you. We can all be together now." He smiled so brightly.

"You can thank our beautiful daughter for this. However, I will need to be turned again once I'm stronger." She smiled.

"Aro, my dear brother. Come give your sister a hug. You too, Caius." She opened her arms.

"Oh sister!" Aro pulled her to him. He kissed her head.

"Why don't you all catch up. I'm sure Felix is looking for me by now. I hope he has food. I'm starving!" Mary says, walking out.

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