Chapter 6: The rescue

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The Volturi finally made it to the Romanian castle. They begin to look around in all the rooms to find them empty. Finally, they come to the realization that the girl may actually be locked in the dungeons.

Jane, who was already on her way down to the dungeons, heard 3 different voices. She listened carefully and kept her guard up in case of any traps. As she gets closer, she can make out the conversation.

"Come on, Mary, I know you are tired, but it is time to go. One of us will care you, darling." Go where Jane wonders. She then hears a child voice. "Cassie? Where are we going? I am scared, we have nowhere to go. What if the bad men come back?"
That was all Jane needed to hear, and she knew these were the princesses of Volterra. She hurried to the cell to make her presence known.

Jane POV
Walking up to the cell, I see 3 beautiful girls. "Hello, my name is Jane. Who might you 3 be?
The raven haired girl whispered to the blonde. "She is the one from my vision. The others must be here, too!"
The blonde then looks at me when he bluest eyes I have ever seen. She is incredibly beautiful by her features. I am correcting in assuming this would be Master Caius' daughter.

"Umm, hello Jane, are you by chance friends with Vlad and Stefan? Because they are not here right now. We can tell them you all stopped by when they get back." The blonde says

I chuckle. "I am far from their friend. In fact, my coven just killed them for their crimes. While we were in the middle of the trial, Stefan told us of your existence. So naturally, we came to rescue you. However, you have still yet provided me with your names."

"Well, the little one here is Mary. The one next to her is Arianna or Ari for short. And I am Cassopia or Cassie."

Their names are so similar to their fathers. Must have been the Romanians' idea. Thought it would even be funny. As I break the lock on the cell, I hear more footprints on the stairs. The rest of the coven must have figured it out.

Running down the stairs to the dungeons, I hear 3 strange heartbeats. I finally see Jane breaking a lock to the cell. I stop as she opens the doors for 3 girls to walk out. The first one to step out was no doubt, MY daughter. She looked just like my Suplicia but with my hazal eyes. Then another walks out while carrying a small child. The blonde hair was a dead giveaway for Caius' child, and the little one must be Marcus'. While I would get to know then as well, I can't stop looking at my child.

Caius POV
We all reach the bottom of the stairs when Aro suddenly stops. A girl emerges from the cell. I knew right away that must be his child. She looks so much like her mother. Just when I was about to ask where the others were, out she came. My beautiful daughter. Bleach blonde almost white hair with ice blue eyes. She was a perfect mix of Dora and myself. Even though she was beautiful, I could tell she was sick. She looked so skinny, and I remembered Stefan saying she would be tortured by Vlad. I wanted to race to hug her and never let go, but she was also carrying a child. A child I knew to be Marcus' child.

Marcus POV
I see the girls step out, and I see so many bonds click into place. I have uncle bonds with the older 2, where my parental bond snapped into place with the youngest. My baby. My daughter. She radiates the beauty and happiness of her mother. While I am admiring my neices and daughter from afar, I notice mates bonds form into place for the 3 girls. Caius' daughter with Demetri. Aro's daughter with Alec. And my sweet little baby with Felix. I just found me
Y sweet baby. I'm not ready to let her go yet. Felix will be playing protector for a bit before he can date her, that's for sure!

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