Chapter 21: Babies

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A week had passed, and everything in the castle was returning to normal. Cassie and Demetri were closer than ever while Mary and Felix were always seen together.

Ari and Alec were in love, but Ari had become sick. She was throwing up and had become very tired.

She had hidden it from everyone until one day in the throne room, the princess collapsed.

Aro had been the first to see her fall. "Arianna! Wake up, darling!"

Alec ran to her, leaving his post. "Baby, what's wrong."

"Eveybody quite! Listen to Ari." Cassie said.

When they stopped, they heard Ari's heartbeat, but 2 others as well.

"Alec, did you and Ari consummate your bond?" Marcus asked.

Alec looked over to see Aro giving him a death stare. "Yes." He whispered.

"I'll call Carlisle. Get Ari to a bed." Marcus said.

Cassie looked at Demetri with a smile. A smile of relief that maybe her and Demetri will get a baby of their own someday.

"RIP, Alec." Felix chuckled out.

Mary punched his chest and scolded him.

"What was that for love?" He asked.

Mary frowned. "You are making a joke out of this. What if it were us? Do you not want a child?" She sounded disappointed.

"No, no, no, baby. I do! I just feel like your dad wouldn't kill me like Aro or Caius would." Felix said.

"Hmm, perhaps you're right. I'm sorry I punched you."

"It's ok, baby. It tickled." He laughed.
Carlisle was able to make it to Volterra within 7 hours. Ari was still passed out, unfortunately.

"You think she is pregnant?" Carlisle asked.

Aro shook his head. "Yes, we heard the heart beats."

"Beats? More than 1? Let me get an ultrasound." Carlisle said.

He rolled the machine over to the side of the bed.

"Ahhh, there you are. These ones will at least let us see them. It is indeed what you suspected. Twins. Ferternal. Just like daddy." Carlisle looked at Alec.

"Oh my God. I didn't think we could. She isn't fully human. I guess this means Cassie, Mary, and your granddaughter will be able to conceive, too." Alec said.

"But why hasn't she woken?" Aro asked.

"Anemia. She needs blood. The babies are hungry and taking food where they can get it. She will need 6 cups of blood a day and regular human food. Bella only needed 3 cups, but she also only had 1 baby. I will stay here until the babies arrive, though. These pregnancies tend to last a month, but twins may be quicker than that." Carlisle said.

Sulpcia walked in with a cup of blood. Ari must have smelt it and opened her eyes. "Why does this smell so good?" Ari asked.

"Because the babies are hungry." Sulpcia smiled.

"Babies? Wait, mom, are you saying I'm pregnant?" She asked.

"Yes, sweetie." Her mom hugged her.

Ari looked over at Alec and Aro. "Daddy. Thanks for not killing him."

"The night isn't over yet, Picco." Aro smiled.

"Aro! Behave. We are getting grandchildren. Be happy." Sulpcia said.

"Wait, why are you talking in plural?" Ari asked.

"Baby, it's twins. Boy and a girl. Like Jane and myself." Alec kissed her hand.

"Are you ok with this?" She asked him.

Alec smiled. "More than ok."

Ari started crying. "Ari, what's the matter?" Suplicia asked.

"I'm gonna get fat!" She cried.

Carlisle chuckled. "Let the hormones begin."

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