Chapter 24: Wanna make a deal?

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After everything had finally settled down after the birth of the twins, Aro pulled Carlisle aside and asked if he was interested in making a deal.

"Carlisle, I do very much appreciate all that you have done for my family in the past couple of months. I was wondering if you would be interested in a deal."

"Aro, we may have our differences, and sometimes that leads to confrontation. I still consider you, my friend. What kind of deal are you thinking, though?" Carlisle asked.

Aro smiled and put his hand of Carlisle shoulder.

"The Volturi would stop breathing down your necks about young Renesmee and only request you to report any new updates with a once a year visit." Aro said.

"That sounds very reasonable. What's the catch, my friend?" Carlisle was very interested.

"We would like your son Edward's assistance her for a week. We believe we may have spies in our coven, and now, with our daughters and my grandchildren, we want to make sure they are safe." Aro explained.

Carlisle nodded his head. "So you want him to read every guards thoughts?"

"Yes. That's it. No loop holes or catches." Aro said very seriously.

"Let me go call Edward. I will get back to you in an hour." Carlisle gave his normal friendly smile.

Aro nodded as he left the throne room.

Carlisle was surprised and excited at the conversation that he had with Aro. It was a heart to heart with a friend and then an excellent deal on top of it. He just hoped Edward would think so.

E: Edward C: Carlisle

C: Hello, Edward. I need to talk to you for a moment. Could you step away from the others, please?

E: OK, I have. Are you coming home soon, Carlisle? We all miss you.

C: I miss you all as well. I should be leaving Italy tonight or very early tomorrow. However, I was packing, and Aro approached me with a deal regarding Renesmee.

E: What deal? There will be no deal! He will not take her from us, Carlisle!

C: On the contrary. He agrees to normal updates in calls or letters if anything drastic happens and once a year meeting to discuss her growth and habits.

E: ....really? I have never heard Aro suggest anything so normal. But he must want something in return, and it probably is too high to pay.

C: I actually don't believe so. He is asking for your assistance for a week. He believes the coven may have spies, and with princesses and her 2 new babies, they want to keep them safe.

E: One of them had children? I am surprised, but at least they won't be infatuated with Renesmee. However, I do agree. The stipulation isn't unreasonable. Tell Aro we accept his offer. I will leave here tonight.

C: I will, son. I will most likely wait for you to arrive and then leave for home after I get to talk to you for a moment. Will you let Esme know I will be home by tomorrow night?

E: If course Carlisle. Wish me luck. I get to go tell Bella.

C: I'm sure she will understand.

E: I don't know. She has been acting differently since the confrontation with the Volturi. She is acting snobby and rude. I don't know what is going on with her, but I know she isn't my mate. She is strictly my wife at this moment who is skating on thin ice.

C: You will have to tell me more when I see you, and then we will figure something out. I'm sorry Edward but I must go and tell Aro your decision.

E: No, that is ok. I will see you soon. Bye Carlisle.

C: Bye Edward.

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