Chapter 7: Who are you?

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Cassie's POV

Cassie finally looked up at the coven standing before her. She could not explain it, but she A rare feeling that she has very rarely witnessed.

"Thank you for freeing us, but.....who are you all? Why are you so interested in us? Cassie asked

A beautiful blonde woman steps forward, " Hello darling. My name is Athenodora, and this is my husband Caius. Going down the line, here we have Aro and his wife Sulpcia, and Marcus is on the end here. We are the Kings and Queens of Volterra. And.......we are your parents."

I didn't know if I wanted to cry and throw herself into their arms or yell at them for what I and my sisters endured. I may have been the only one to be severely abused, but they were kept prisoner for so long.

"What do you mean you are our parents? Did you not want us? You left us with those monsters! Why are you here now, then?!" I screamed, apparently choosing anger.

I was expecting her to fight back, but instead, she smiled! "You are just like your father. Letting your anger come out as your form of protection. And to clarify, we did NOT give you to those men. I guess you could say you were stolen from us. We are here to bring you home, dears." She says with some love on her face

All I can do is stare. Somebody wants us. Our parents want us. I hear her speak again "However I would love to know the name of my daughter and neices."

I can here Jane chuckle and the Aro guy speaks up. "Is something assuming to you Jane?"

"I believe you will understand in a moment Master" Jane replies

"Well, my name is Cassopia or Cassie for short. This is Arianna or Ari. And this little ray of sunshine is Mary."

After repeating our names, it finally clicks. Those assholes gave us names similar to our father's. Haha aren't they a freaking hoot.

Caius or I mean, father, walks over and puts his hand on my cheek and tells me, "You are all safe now. We will NEVER let anyone hurt you again. Let us go home together as a family."

As we all began to walk up the stairs out of the dungeons I stop.
"Wait! I forgot something!" I went running back into cell and lifted up the wobbly stone tile and pulled out the 2 pouches of blood.
"The girls are hungry first. Ari take this and here you go my little Mary."

Both girls looked at me happy but then realized I had nothing in my hand. Ari was the first to speak up.
"What about you Cassie? You must be hungry too!"
Mary followed right behind her.
"Yeah Cassie, I will share mine with you!"
This girl really warms my heart.
"Don't worry about me girls I'm not hungry. This is all yours."
In reality i was starving. I had been fed blood once. And then was right after I was born. Eveytime i go to rip open a bag of blood and can feel my eyes go dark. I have to remind myself the girls need it more. I had saved the 2 packets for an emergency.
Stefan had actually given them to me one night when Vlad went overboard on the beatings. In some sense I think he felt sorry for us.

"I believe we are all ready to go." I say. Ready to get the hell out of here.

Marcus walks over to me and asks, " May I carry Mary for the trip? You could use the break and I am her father after all."

I look at Mary for it was her decision. She smiles and nods her head yes and willing goes to him.

After Mary is no longer on my body I hear a bunch of gasps fill the chamber. They all look so sad except of the exception of my father who looks like he could kill someone.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" I don't understand.

I look to my mother for an answer to see venom coming from her eyes in the form of tears. Finally Jane had the balls to break the silence.

"You are just far to skinny for your age, princess. It will be ok though. We have a doctor waiting at the castle for all of you. He will help heal you and get you healthy again." Oh am I really that skinny? "Please excuse my question princess but will you be able to run with us?"

I thought for a moment, I have actually never been running. "I honestly don't know. None of us have left this cell to try. Ari I'm sure will have no problem, but if I can't keep up I will find my way"

My father looked outraged, "Absolutely not. Either myself or a guard shall carry you at all times."

"But I do not wish to be a nuisance. Please to trouble yourself. And gaurds? They are more of you here?"

Aro steps up, "Oh yes how foolish of us. They are just upstairs. We will introduce you once we reach the top."

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