Chapter 22: Birth

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Arianna had been on bedrest in the final week of the pregnancy. It flew by her very quickly.

"Love, I brought you some blood and French fries." Alec said.

"Ohhh, thank you, Alec. We all thank you." Ari smiles, rubbing her swollen belly.

"Carlisle thinks it could be any day now. I still can't believe this is possible." He kisses her belly.

"Believe it. I do, however, think we have given Cassie and Mary the idea to follow our footsteps. I have had a vision of both of them pregnant. I just don't know when." Ari said.
Cassie was in her room with Demetri. They were going at each other like rabbits.

"Mi Amore, what has gotten into? Not that I'm complaining." Demetri asked.

"Not only do I quite enjoy our new hobby, but I have seen what can come out of it." Cassie kept kissing his neck.

Demetri's eyes bugged out of his head. "Are you talking about a baby?" He sat her up.

"Yes. Do you not want a baby?" She asked.

Demetri shook his head. "No, Cassie, I do. But I want you to be healthy for a bit. We can try soon, but please let your body fully recover first."

She smiled at him and pushed him back down to the bed. "I promise to stop trying so hard. However, I am not about to stop out....activities."

She lowered herself and wrapped her mouth around a certain part of Demetri.

"Ahhhh. Ok, ok, ok. I'm on board with that. Just don't stop!" Demetri gripped the sheets in pleasure.
"Felix! Come on, I want to get the pool." Mary yelled.

She was waiting for him to change while she sat on her bed in a pink and black bikini.

"I'm coming. Are you rea....... You're not going in that! " He shouted.

"Why not? I think I look good." She said.

"Too good, Mary! I'm not going to have any guys drooling over you. You are mine." The last part he said dangerously.

"I am yours. But what do you expect me to swim in? She asked.

"How about one of my shirts?" He said.

"No, Felix. You can punch whoever looks, ok?" She rubbed his arm muscles.

"Fine. I have a feeling Ari is going to have the babies today, though." Felix said.

"You have that feeling, too?" She asked.
Arianna was walking to the bathroom when she felt warm liquid run down her legs.

"Oh no." She whispered.

All.of sudden she felt a wave of unbearable pain.

"Ahhhh! Help!" She yelled.

Aro had been coming to see her when he heard her scream. "My dear, are you ok?"

"No, dad. I'm in labor. Please get mom, Alec, and Carlisle." She was able to make it to her bed when the pain subsided.

Carlisle came running in with her mom. "Looks like we have some royals ready to be out." He smiled.

"Ahhhh. Mom, this really hurts. Where is Alec?"

"I know, baby. Alec was sent out for an errand. Your father is going to get him personally. Squeeze my hand, baby. Momma is here."

Aro was currently running like his ass was on fire. He had finally caught up with Jane and Alec.

"Abandon the mission. We are needed at the castle." Aro said.

"Master, what are you doing here?" Alec asked.

"The babies are coming. Arianna is in labor. We must hurry." Aro said.

"I'm coming, Ari!" Alec yelled.
"Arianna, these babies are ready. Next wave of pressure I need you to push." Carlisle said.

"But Alec is not here! I can't do this without him!" She cried.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Alec took her hand.

"Alec, I need you to pull her leg back. Sulpcia, same with the other side. Are you ready, Arianna?" Carlisle asked.

She nodded. She felt the pressure start.

"Here it comes! Ahhhhh!" She yelled.

"Good, good, and he is out! Your oldest is a boy. Do you have a name yet?" Carlisle smiled.

"Alexander Aro Volturi." She said, panting.

Take a minute and breath. The next one isn't too far behind." He said.

"Alec, he is so beautiful." She cried.

"You are doing so amazing, love. Now, just once more and our family is complete."He kissed her.

"Carlisle, I think she is ready. Owww!" Ari started to get into position.

"Ok, when you're ready, Arianna."


"She's out! Relax Arianna. What's her name?" Carlisle asked.

"Olivia Jane Volturi." She smiled.

"We never did talk about baby names. However, I couldn't have done better myself, love." Alec smiled.

"Mom, I did it." She smiled at Sulpcia.

"You did. You did amazing, too! My grand babies are so beautiful."

"They look very healthy. Congratulations, you two." Carlisle placed the babies in Arianna's arms.

"Welcome to the family, my loves."

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