Chapter 23: Hello little ones

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Cassie was running down the hall with Demetri. She heard the babies had arrived.

"Where is my neice and nephew!?" She yells.

"Shh love, Arianna is exhausted." Demetri told her.

"Sorry Ari, I just am so happy for you and to hold them!" Cassie was bouncing for joy.

Cassie had made her way over to the cribs when the door opened again with Mary and Felix walking in.

"Oh, Felix, look! They are so beautiful!" Mary gushed.

"They are pretty cute. Makes me want one." He smiles.

"I'm not fighting you on that one. Just don't impregnate me with a Gladiator baby that will rip me in half, please." She joked.

"Has everyone else been in yet?" Demetri asked.

"Just mom, Alec went to get everyone else." Ari smiled.

"Knock Kncok. Can we come in?" Sulpcia asked.

"Come in!" Ari was excited to tell her father the babies' names.

"Ahh, the prince and princess of Volterra. You did well, my daughter. I'm very proud of you." Aro kissed his daughter on the head.

"Would you like to meet them, dad?" Ari smiled ear to ear.

"Well, of course. Now then, who is who?" He asked.

"Dad, this is your granddaughter Olivia Jane Volturi and your grandson Alexander Aro Volturi." She waiting for his reaction.

His eyes bugged out of his head and had a smile to match. "You gave him my name?"

"Of course. I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Arianna."

Caius, Dora, and Marcus had finally joined everyone.

"Caius, come meet my grandkids. The boys has my name!" Aro was bragging.

"They are cute, aren't they." Caius said.

He was happy until he heard Cassie say, "I can't wait until that's us, Demetri."

"Cassie, you are not having kids yet!" Her father raised his voice.

"Why is that?" She questioned.

"Because you haven't been my baby long enough!" He was getting louder.

Cassie smiled, though. She pulled him in for a hug and whispered in his ear, "I'll always be your baby, Dad."

Marcus saw Mary looking at the babies and knew she was feeling the same.

"I don't have to ask. I know this is something you want." He pulled his daughter in for a hug.

"In time, yes. I haven't been an adult for long, but I can see Felix and I having a child."

"I'm sure when that day comes, they will be beautiful too."

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