Chapter 27

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"So Edward, I hear you are my granddaughters mate." Aro said while looking out the window of his study.

Edward was nervous at what might happen. "It appears so,  yes."

Aro had turned aid to look at him.  "I don't hate you, Edward. Dislike your disregard to the rules, yes. I do, however, have a slight issue of you bring married to another if you are meant to be with Livy."

"I understand. I plan to rectify that situation very soon. Aro, I don't know exactly what to do. Livy has my heart, and soon, I will have hers. I will need to return home as well. If she wishes to come with me, she will not be gone forever."

Aro let out an unnecessary sigh. "I understand that, Edward. However, you are asking a mother who hasn't had their child for a year to let them go. Ari and Alec will both have a hard time with this. This isn't an ideal situation for anyone, but we will make it work. At the rate the kids are growing, I expect them to be about 15 or so at your time of departure."

They were having a fairly civil conversation when Demetri walked into the study. "Master, the gaurd and Heidi are in the throne room."

"Very well. We will be right there. Thank you, Demetri."

After Demetri left the study, Aro wrapped up the conversation. "Later tonight, my daughter Ari would like to meet you. Please be respectful of her wishes."

"Of course, Aro."

Upon them entering the throne room, Edward could hear 3 different people who were undercover.

He gave Aro his hand so he would know exactly who it was. Heidi and 2 other gaurds.

Aro now had to separate them without is looking to suspicious. "My brothers and I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your dedication and service to the coven. There are 3, however, that have exceeded our expectations. Heidi, Peter, and Leon. Please hold back for an appreciation gift. The rest of you are dismissed.
When Xander and Livy had awoken from their nap, they realized they had another growth spurt. Now, they looked to be 12 years old. Ari cried into Alec's chest about how quickly she was losing her babies.

"She is gonna want to leave Alec. We are going to have to be prepared for it."

Alec shook his head violently. "No, she can't go, Ari. We haven't had her long enough. We will not be robbed of that!"

Ari pulled away from him and caressed his face. "My love, we will NOT deny her happiness. Livy is our daughter. She will come back to us. It is not goodbye forever."
In the throne room, Felix and Jane were finishing up disposing of the traitors when Livy walked in.

Edward's heart would have been racing if it were still functional. He knew that this was his mate for sure.

"Hey Grandpa! Can I borrow Uncle Felix?" She asked Aro.

"I suppose. What is the matter, my little one?" Aro noticed that she looked agitated.

"I need him to teach me how to beat the shit out of someone."

Felix had wiped away a fake tear from his eye. "Oh. I have never been so proud. Who are we beating up?"

Livy started chuckling. "Some lower gaurd named Lorenzo. He keeps looking at me weird. I swear it looks like he is plotting to kill me."

Aro, Edward, and Felix all looked at each other.

"I didn't see him in the throne room earlier." Felix said.

Aro had a feeling there may have been one more traitor left. "Find him."

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