Chapter 11: Don't break heart

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Ari POV:

This day has been quite draining. I am just ready to sleep. But will I have my own bed as well? I wonder if they are as comfy as they look.

" Is there anywhere I come lay down. I'm afraid I might be fine for the day."

"Oh, of course, darling. Let me take you to your room." She says

"OK. Good night, dad." I say while looking at him.

He smiles. "Good night, my dear. I shall see you in the morning. "

I could tell, calling them mom and dad really made them happy. It made me happy, too.

Mom brings me to the adjoining room of Cassie's. "You may choose a different room later. However, I didn't think you would want them to be too far away at the moment."

"You are right. Thank you for the thought. May I ask you something?" I sit on the bed.

"Of course darling. Anything!"

"Woah. This is so comfy! But oh yeah, the question. Is it normal to be attracted to another person at first sight? I just feel like I am......I don't know." I start to get frustrated.

Mom smiles, "Love? Is that what you feel?"

"I really think so, mom. I feel happy that I am with you, but sad he isn't with me. What's crazy is that I only know his name and that he is God damn gorgeous!" I start blushing. I can't believe I am saying all of this to her.

"Oh darling *chuckles* I have a feeling maybe Alec might be your mate. You were running awfully close to each other on the way here. I should have realized there had to have been a reason." She sits next to me.

"Dad is gonna lose his marbles, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. But you will have me in your corner. And don't worry, he won't harm him. He might however been watching really closely. We just got you. We don't want to lose you." She hugs me tight.

"I'm sure most girls would hate it, but it just makes me feel loved. I'm sure I will get over that feeling really quick, though. Alright, I should probably get to bed. Good night, mom."

"Good night, my darling Arianna."

30 mins later

I decided to bathe before bed. I knew I was dirty from the cell and decided to clean up.
*knock* *knock* *knock*

Who could that be? I go and open the door, and Alec is standing there with a smile smile on his face that makes me want to melt.

"Oh, hello, Alec. What do I owe the pleasure?" That's right, Ari, play it cool!

"I just want to make sure you are settling well and didn't need anything. "He says

"Well, I seem to have everything I need. Why don't you come in? We could sit and talk for a moment."

Alec smile grew bigger. "I would love to."

As he walks in, I can't help but check out his backside. What is wrong with me! He snaps me out of my thoughts when he begins to speak.

"I won't stay long. I know you must be tired. However, I did want to check on you and make sure you are OK. I overheard you talking to your parents, and I'm glad to hear you were never hurt, my love."

Did he just call me my love! Omg yes, yes, yes! "Well, I didn't actually say never. I just didn't get the bad end of it. We were all physically abused one way or another.....did you call me, love?" Please say it!!!

Alec finally realized what he said looked scared, like he didn't mean to. That hurts. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. But I can't help it. I feel that you are my mate, but your father is also my Master. It is wrong for me to act like this." He said, looking towards the door like he is getting ready to run.

"So you would ignore our love because of my father?! Do you think you're the only one who has felt the attraction? Please don't throw what we could have away!"

Finally, at the end of my rope, I reach up with both hands and force his lips to mine. He immediately statrs kissing me back.
He starts to walk me backwards until we hit the bed. He lays me down gently but never breaks our kiss. After a couple of mins of my first make-out mind, you, we break apart.

He puts his forehead to mine and say, "I can't stay away from you. I don't care what happens as long as we are together."

"We will be together, Alec, forever."

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