Chapter 17: straighten up Felix

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Sulpcia arrived to Cassie's room and was surprised at Mary's growth. Not only that but she look like her late sister in law.

"Oh Mary, you are just beautiful." She kissed her cheek.

"Mom you said we could go shopping! I'm so excited!" Ari was doing a happy dance.

"*chuckles* Yes, my darling, but after 6. We can't go out in the sun, remember?" Suplicia said

"Why can't we be in the sun, mom." Cassie asked her mom.

"Well because our skin sparkles in the sun. Have you ever been in the sun love?" Dora was now curious if these girls had ever seen sunlight.

"Not that I remember." Cassie says.

"Well let's open the curtains very slowly then. Don't want to damage your eyes." Sulpcia said.

The girl all went over to the grand window and slowly peeled the curtains back.

"Wow. It's beautiful, and so warm." Ari closed her eyes and smiled.

"Ari, you look like the night time sky." Cassie said giggling.

"Oh yeah, well you look like a unicorn farted on you." Ari giggled back.

"You girls are so silly." Sulpcia said.

"So what shall we do until tonight?" Mary asked

"Well... we could try to find Felix." Cassie suggested.

"Oh yes,yes,yes. Let's find him! It sounds weird but I wanna just kiss him so badly." Mary sang out.

"That's a great idea Mary. Cassie and I understand completely how you feel." Ari wanted to see Felix freak out.
Felix had to finally come out of his room for guard duty in the throne room. Upon entering he say Master Caius chucking at him.

When he finally turned around he came face to face with Master Marcus.

"Master Marcus, I..." He was cut off

"Hot girl? That is what you thought was best to come out of your mouth?" Marcus wasn't as angry as before. Now he was just screwing with him.

"I was taken by surprise master." Felix said.

"As were all of us Felix but we did not stutter out 'hot girl' to a brand new teenager."

Before Felix could answer Aro walked through the door. "Ah, there you are brother. Caius and I need to speak to you, regarding the girls."

"What is it brother? If it is about Mary's growth am I aware. Not happy but aware." Marcus said.

"Well Mary is included in this conversation, however it is something different. Did you know our girls had gifts." Aro asked Marcus.

Marcus was shocked. "I didn't think to ask. What are they?"

Aro started smiling ear to ear. "Well my daughter is a seer."

Caius stepped forward. "Cassie can control ice, snow, and possibly water."

Aro looked at Marcus. "Then there is Mary. She has inherited Didyme's gift."

Marcus smiled. "I had a feeling. She is so wonderful."

"There is more brother." Caius spoke up.

"Why do you look uncomfortable brothers?" Marcus began to worry.

"Marcus, Cassie over heard Stefan and Vlad one night. Mary has the ability to make Vampires human again. We don't know it is temporary or permanently, but they feared Mary's power too great. While they limited Cassies food intake to make her weak, they were not feeding Mary at all. That's why Cassie is so sick now. She was giving her food to Mary." Caius said with sadness in his voice.

Marcus was shocked. A gift like that is unheard of. He now knew why they looked uncomfortable. They are afraid of someone learning Mary's power and taking her from us.

"We mustn't let people know of her gift. Only a small circle of us. We can't let the whole coven know. I sometimes fear we have spys." Marcus said

"Agreed brother. We should all have a meeting soon." Aro exited from the room along with Caius.

"Felix. You are my daughters mate. Act like it. Keep her safe. And keep her 'secondary' gift to yourself. Understood?"

"Yes, Master." Felix bowed.
The girls were walking down the hall looking for Felix. Secretly Ari and Cassie were searching for their mates too.

"Maybe he is in the throne room?" Mary questions.

She opens the door to see Felix and her father talking. She wanted to talk to him but wasn't sure he could get out more than 2 words. So she had a plan.

"Hello Daddy, may I talk to Felix for a moment?" Mary smiled.

"Of course, my little sun." He kissed her head and left the room.

"I'm sorry we were unable to speak this morning. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm ahh good. You?" Felix was looking for words but the dictionary was sealed shut!

"I am very well, thank you. You don't seem comfortable around me. Did I do something wrong?" She looked at him with doe eyes.

"What? Of course not. You're perfect! It's me. I'm just awkward around you for some reason." He was rambling.

"Well, I hope this will make it a little less awkward . That way you can act as you want with me. " She smiled.

"What do you mea......." He was cut off my a pair of lips pressed to his.

He grasped both arms are pulled her in closer. She in returned grabbed his shirt with both hands.

They were in their own world until they heard. "I know I said you both are mates and that this is ok but please get private rooms. If I walk I into something like this again, Felix might disappear." Marcus said with a chuckle.

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