Chapter 13: Mary?!?!

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No one's POV:

Cassie opens her eyes to light shining through the curtains. She turns over to see Mary isn't there.

"Mary? Mary? Where are you? Mary?!"

"Cassie! I'm in the bathroom. Something happened." She hears Mary reply.

"Are you sick? You sound different. I'm coming in, ok?" Cassie opens the door to see a teenager on the other side.

"I dont know what happened, Cassie. I just woke up like this. My clothes don't fit and I look completely different. I'm scared." Mary was on the verge of tears.

"Oh Mary, sweetie, you just grew a little faster than the rest of us. I will get you something to wear, ok. Don't worry. You are ok." Cassie turned to leave the bathroom.

As Cassie walked back into the bedroom, she was greeted by her father. "Good morning, Cassie. Are you feeling better this morning?" He asked.

"I am. Thank you. Not that I don't like seeing you, but Mary has a uhhh girl thing going on right now. Is there any way you can get Mom for me?" She asked.

"Of course. Is Mary OK?"

"Physically, yes. Please ask mom to bring 2 different outfits in my size. And you should probably get Marcus too, dad."

"OK, love. We will be back in a moment." He smiles

5 mins later:

Dora runs in. "Are you and Mary ok? What's going on?"

"Come into the bathroom, please, mom." Cassie opens the door.

"Oh my lord! Mary honey, is that you? You look so much like your mother. I got you some clothes. Your father should be here soon. He is gonna freak, so be warned." No later after she said that we heard the door to the bedroom open.

"Mary?!?! It's daddy. Where are you, my sun?! It's ok, I'm here." Marcus is rambling.

"I will go warn him Mary ok. Just come out when you are ready." Cassie said as her and her mother walked out.

C: Cassie M: Marcus

C: Good morning, Uncle Marcus.
M: Good morning, Cassie. Not to be rude, but where is Mary?
C: She is in the bathroom.
M: Is she hurt. Why did Caius tell me to come?
C: Well, Mary woke up this morning, and she is a little different. She is ok she isn't hurt, but.....
M: But what Cassie?
C: She is full-grown.

Marcus eyes widen. No, no, no. Mary is my little sun. I am supposed to have time with her. Give her a good childhood. She can't be fully grown. Mary!? Come out, please. I promise I will be calm."

They hear the door unlock and out walks a mini version of Didyme. Marcus let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Oh my little sun. You are so beautiful. Just like your mother. I only wish she was here and for us to have been a proper family. Don't worry. Everything is alright."

"Daddy, I was so scared. I woke up like this, and I have this weird pulling in my chest. Why is it pulling?" Mary put her hand to her chest.

"You already feel a pull? Great *sarcastically*. That would be the mate pull. It will calm down soon when you see Felix." Marcus said.

"Felix? He is my mate? I was wondering why he would stare at me. He must already know." Mary smiled

"He does know my little sun. Just remember what you said before Mary." Marcus grabs her hand.

"And what is that, Daddy?" She questioned.

"That boys have coodies." He smiles

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