Chapter 3: We are parents?

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Aro knew that his wife and coven sister had always dreamed of having a child of their own. Even when his dearest sister was with them, she voiced the same dream. So, to hear that it is now a reality, both excited him and scared him.
When bringing witnesses to Forks, the Queens also joined them, as it is part of their duty to witness crimes that are brought forth for trial.

Sulpcia POV
"Dora, do you hear them?! Could it be true? We have always talked about wanted children. This could be our chance, sister." Athenodora still in shock wasn't sure how to respond to the news. "They could very well be lying Sulpcia. I would love nothing more for this to be the truth, but I just don't know." she replies.

Marcus POV
A peice of me and my Didyme. A child my love always wanted. I have been so lonely and lost for all these centuries. They will be loved until the end of time when they are finally with us.
"Where are they? Obviously, you know that we will be taking them now that we know of their existence." I see Valdimir chucking, knowing he thinks he has the upper hand.
"And why would we tell you, you Italian scum? You probably would fail them just like you failed your poor Didyme!" Vladimir says with a huge smile.
Something me snaps in me. How DARE he talk about her! I race over to him and rip his arms off. Just even hearing his screams causes me to smile for the first time in so long. I am finally avenging you, my love. Before I rip his head off to I want to see him scared, so turn around and say, "Caius, build a fire, please." Seeing his eyes go wide, I pull his head off from his body and throw him into the pyre.

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