Chapter 10: The bold move

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No one's POV

Out in the hall, Marcus noticed Mary was getting tired.

"Are you tired, my little sun?" He asked

"Mhmm. Where is Cassie?" Mary was looking around for her.

"She is just in the other room. Don't worry. Why don't we get you to bed." Marcus was about to walk away when Mary jumped out of his arms and booked it for Cassie's room.

Aro, Marcus, and Sulpcia looked at Ari for an answer.
"Mary can't sleep without Cassie. Vlad used to scare her while she slept. She would only sleep if Cassie was holding her. She said she felt protected, like how a mom should protect her child. I think Mary thinks of Cassie as her mom." Ari said with a smile.

Aro slightly smiling, "I see. However, Cassie is very sick. She will need to focus on herself to get better. I have to ask you, my dear, were you ever...hurt?"

Ari realizes what he was asking violently shakes her head, no. "For some reason, Vlad's obsession was Cassie. I didn't even know she was starving. I feel like such an awful sister. I should have known." Ari starts to cry in guilt.

Suplicia can't stand to see her daughter cry.
"Oh darling, don't cry. You are NOT an awful sister. She just hid it well. Cassie did what she did to make you grew strong and healthy. Now that I think about already look 15 years old. How old are you really?"

"I believe I'm about 2 months old. Mary is about 3 to 4 weeks old but has the appearance of a 4 year old. Cassie is the oldest at 3 and a half months. However, Cassie said he stopped aging after 2 months. I think we will just look 15 or 16 forever." Ari finally realized.

Marcus was listening to all of this, and it finally hit him. His daughter would be fully grown in a matter of weeks.
"If you would excuse me, I need to check on Mary."

*Cassie's room*

Cassie is sitting up in her bed with a cup of blood brought to her by Demetri. She desperately wants to drink it but is fighting herself of hiding it in case the girls need it.

Demetri, seeing her struggle, puts his hands on hers and guides the cup to her mouth to drink. "Come on, Cassie, you need this. Don't worry about the girls. They will be fed when they are hungry. Let's focus on you right now."

When Cassie finally swallowed the drink, she couldn't believe how good it tasted. The pain in her throat was also gone. After that, she no longer needed Demetri's help. She finished it on her own. She realized with the pain of hunger and the burning of her throat gone. She just wanted to sleep.
Just as she was about to close her eyes, she heard the door open.

"My little Mary, what are you doing here? Are you ok? Are you hungry? I can get you something." She moves the covers to stand up, but Demetri instantly stops her.

"No, Cassie, I'm ok. I'm just tired and wanted to go to bed." Mary said while rubbing her eyes.

Cassie smiles gently, "Come hope in my little one. Demetri, thank you for everything today. You are me real knight in shining armor. I think once I fall asleep, I won't awaken until tomorrow."

She starts thinking to herself,'Do it, Cassie, you can do this'. She reaches over to Demetri cups his face with her hand. When leans into it she finally gets the guts to pull him into a kiss. Not just any kiss. Her first kiss. A kiss of what she feels in true love.

She can't help but smile when she feels him kiss back. As much as she wants to continue she hears, "eww Cassie. Boys have coodies."

Demetri smiling says. "You are only at risk of catching them if you are under the age of 14. I shall take my leave ladies. Sleep well little princess Mary. And sleep love" kissing the back of Cassie's hand he leaves the room.

As he exits the chamber he sees Master Marcus walking towards it. "Demetri, how are things going there?"

"Very well Master, princess Cassie has eaten and she is laying down with princess Mary as we speak." Demetri reports

"Very well then. I still will go check on them, however I would like to speak with you for a moment. How do you feel about finally finding her. Your true mate? From what I saw back in Romania she looks be smitten with you." Marcus looks at him.

"She is amazing. Everything I ever wanted. I can't wait to spend eternity together. I already have so much love for her that is mildly scary. Speaking of scary, you know Master Caius won't want to let me near her like that. I am afraid to go against my Master but I am afraid to lose her more."

"Don't worry Demetri. I believe Athenodora will be on your side. You will have a chance. My brother will get over it. Just like Aro and myself will have to."

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