01 - Meet&Greet

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Today is by far the most stressful and anxiety inducing day of my life and it's only 0600. I have been dreading and anticipating this day for several months and now it's finally here and I am no where near as prepared as I thought I was.

Today is my first official day being apart of the counter-terrorism unit; Task Force 141. I was recruited four months ago from my USMC platoon after their Captain paid our base a visit and noticed my excellence in sharp shooting.

My first impression on the squad is already shot as my first meeting is supposed to begin at 0700 and I'm still an hour away from the base at 0620 due to my flight being delayed.

By the time I finally make it to base and actually find the conference room in which the meeting is being held it's 0745 so I make my way inside as quickly as possible.

"I'm here! I'm here. I am so sorry for being late, I swear I'm usually very punctual, sir. My flight ran behind." I stammer as I practically run into the room.

I'm met with confused glances from eight men, who are seated at the large oval table.

"I think you might have the wrong room sweetheart." One of the men says in a thick Scottish accent.

"No, I'm pretty sure this is right? I was told to be at a meeting in this room at 0700 for task force 141?" I respond, almost second guessing myself.

"Yes, Sergeant Kaiser. Don't worry I was already informed of your delayed flight. Please sit." The only man I recognize in the room, Caption Price, says with a smile, while gesturing for me to take the empty chair across from him.

"I'm sorry, what? This is the Sergeant Kaiser you've been going on about?" Another man asks in a British accent. His face is covered by a skull mask so all that's showing are his eyes, which seem to be filled with judgement as he watches me take my seat.

"I'm gonna have to second Ghost on that one Cap. I mean no offense lass but I think we were all expecting a guy." The Scottish one adds.

"Will you boys shut it? This woman could take all of you out single handed and with only half a mag." Price says with a laugh at the end.

"She's literally half of Soap's size. She would get demolished against any of us." Ghost says and rolls his eyes.

While the men go back and forth I can't help but slowly sink into my chair, trying to make myself as small as possible, as I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.

Eventually, after what feels like forever, Price is able to shut down their off topic debate and we are able to actually begin the meeting.

The meeting in question is an introduction of myself to the team so they can learn anything they might need to know.

"Right, anyway, Kaiser, please feel free to proceed with your introduction of yourself. Just run by all the basics you think might be necessary for everyone to know." Price says with a smile, now redirecting the attention to me.

I quickly perk up and sit straight again before speaking.

"Well uhm.. My name is Madison Kaiser, most people call me Mads or Maddy though and my call sign is Reaper. I was enlisted in the US Marines before coming here where I specialized in sharp shooting and sniping. My rank is Sergeant and I am uhm twenty eight years old." I say with a small smile at the end.

Everyone just kind of blankly stares at me for a moment, Ghost not even seeming to acknowledge my presence anymore.

"Don't be rude now boys. Your turn." Price sighs.

"Do we have to give her all the details like that?" A darker skinned man asks, he also carries a thick British accent.

"No, at least your names if you don't want to share anything else." Price responds.

"Ooh okay. Well then hi, I'm Sergeant Kyle Garrick, but everyone calls me Gaz." The man responds with a smile and small wave.

"Alejandro Vargas. Colonel for the Mexican Army." Another man with a Hispanic accent says with a smile.

"Operation officer Alex Keller." An American man says with a nod.

"I'm Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra of the Mexican Army, you can call me Rudy." A second, younger looking Hispanic man adds and holds up his hand slightly.

"I'm Sergeant Johnny MacTavish a.k.a. Soap and this striking fella is Ghost but under the mask is just Lieutenant Simon Riley." The Scottish man says with a wink and a smirk.

Ghost doesn't even glance up from staring at his hands that are folded on the table in front of him when his name is mentioned.

The last man sat at the table hasn't spoke a single word since I arrived and hasn't even so much as glanced in my direction. He stayed silently hunched over in his chair fiddling with his hands and his head, covered with a hood and helmet, tucked down.

He finally looks up after everyone else introduces themselves and quickly looks at me before looking back down.

"König." That's the only thing he says before continuing to fidget with his fingers.

"Okay. Kaiser, do you have any questions? Or do you lads have any questions for Kaiser?" Price asks and stands to feet.

"Why do they call you Reaper?" Ghost asks, now looking at me with a cold stare.

"It's uhm, like the Grimm Reaper. Because during my first deployment I got over a hundred confirmed kills and I just have the overall highest scoring for sharp shooting." I shrug.

"I find that hard to believe." He scoffs in return.

"If none of you have actual questions then you're dismissed. Please go away." Price groans as he walks to the door. "Ooh and König? Can you show Kaiser to her barracks room? She's across the hall from you." He adds before actually leaving the room.

König nods in response even though Price has already left then stands and looks at me before holding out his hand as a gesture to follow him.

The first thing I notice about this man is how tall he actually is while standing. He completely towers over me and it's quite intimidating.

I smile and walk over to where he stands. Just as I reach him he begins to walk and I quickly follow in silence.

The first half of our journey to the barracks is completely silent as I try my best to keep up with him. After a while he notices how far I am trailing behind with my short legs and he stops to wait for me to catch up.

Once I finally get to where he is standing I hear him laugh softly.

"Apologies, sometimes I don't notice how fast I am walking." He laughs and I can't help but notice the slight German accent he has.

"Ooh no it's okay, I am used to not being able to keep up with others when walking." I respond and also laugh a little.

"I'd also like to apologize for possibly coming off a rude? I uhm.. I'm not much of a talker around those I don't know yet." He says and rubs the back of his neck.

"I completely understand that. I'm fairly antisocial myself." I smile.

He laughs then we proceed to make our way to the barracks building.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now