02 - Silence

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Shortly after König showed me to my room I get a call informing me that my luggage has finally arrived and someone is about to be at the barracks with everything.

I quickly leave my room and make my way downstairs to meet whoever is bringing my stuff. On my way down I loose my footing somehow and I thought for sure I was about to fall down an entire flight of stairs.

However just as I accept my fate someone grabs my arm from behind and pulls me back. The sudden change in direction causes me to fumble even more and now instead of falling on my face I fall backwards onto whoever just saved me.

I hear a low groan as we both hit the ground and just before I even have a chance to get up I am roughly pushed to the side.

"Be more fucking careful." Ghost snaps as he stands up and brushes himself off.

"I-I.. uhm.. I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you did I?" I ask, slightly flustered.

"Do I look hurt?" He asks before shaking his head and walking past me, down the stairs.

I just stare in the direction he went for a moment in disbelief before sighing and standing up and continuing my way down the stairs.

As I pass through the common room on the first floor I notice most of the guys are there and they seem to stop all conversation when they realize me. They all sort of just watch me in silence and I cannot get out of that room any faster.

I walk outside and greet the car pulling up with my luggage. The driver smiles and walks to the trunk to pull out my two suitcases and backpack. I thank him and grab my stuff then turn to go back inside.

As I enter the building I hear loud laughter coming from the boys in the common room yet once again as soon as I walk in it's silent and I'm being watched like a hawk.

"New call sign, Galoot." Soap says with a laugh just as I am about to walk out of the room.

"Haha so funny." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes while flicking him off without even looking at him and continue walking out of the room.

I lug my suitcases up to my room and promptly drop to my bed in exhaustion as soon as I enter, leaving my bags in the middle of the room.

It's only 1100 and I already want to just crawl under the covers and sleep. Luckily I was given the day off to get settled so that is pretty much what I do.

First I pull out a few of my things such as my phone charger, blanket, bathroom items and a new outfit to change into. After that I walk into my bathroom to shower.

After my shower I crawl into my bed and pull out my phone to scroll through social media for a while.

Around 1400 I get bored and hungry so I venture down to the common room once again.

This unit gets far more luxuries than my previous one, for example, no roommates and our own kitchen so we don't have to go to the chow hall.

I choose to ignore the boys in the common area this time and quickly make my way to the kitchen. In the kitchen I find Alex sitting at the island with a large bowl of mixed fruits. When he sees me walk in he smiles and offers me some of the fruit to which I gladly accept.

I walk over and sit in the chair next to him with a smile before taking a plastic fork from the box on the counter and using it to pick up a piece of pineapple.

"You should really ignore what those guys say you know? They're the equivalent to high school mean girls towards people they aren't familiar with." Alex says, referring to Soap's comment earlier.

"I don't take anything anyone says personally anymore. I'm a damn female marine in the US." I laugh.

"They won't always be like that. Just takes time for them to get comfortable."

"That's fine. As long as I can trust them in the field they can be mean girls at home all they want."

We both laugh just thinking about how childish the others are only to have the amusement interrupted by Ghost walking into the room.

Just as they did before, Alex and I fall silent and just glance at each other before watching him. He ignores me entirely, greeting Alex before grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator and leaving.

Ghost's actions only make Alex and I laugh again once he's gone. After a moment of laughter we pick up conversation again about random things, just learning a bit about each other.

About an hour goes by of Alex and I just chatting and I decide to excuse myself back to my room to fully unpack my stuff.

Halfway up the stairwell I almost literally run into Soap as we both turn a corner at the same time rather quickly. My reflexes were just fast enough though to step to the side and avoid collision.

He doesn't say anything but laughs as he passes me. I shrug off the interaction and continue up to my room.

Once inside I close and lock the door then pull out my phone and AirPods to play music while I get my new space organized.

By the time I actually finish and I'm satisfied with the way my room looks it's pretty much time for dinner so I head back downstairs to leave for food.

The guys are still sat in the common room and just like before they get quiet when I walk in.

"Are there any good places to eat on base nearby? I don't have my bike yet to go further." I ask, hoping someone will help me out.

"Bike?" Ghost asks in a judgmental tone.

"Yea, you know, motorcycle? Vroom vroom?" I respond as if it was obvious.

"Ooh that kind of bike. Thought you meant like a bicycle." Soap laughs. "What do you have?" He adds.

"Ninja ZX-10RR. White with black accents."

He doesn't audibly respond but gives a nod of approval and a smile.

"There's a McDonald's down the block. That's about it within walking distance." Gaz says, responding to my original question.

"Awesome. I guess I'll have to Uber somewhere." I groan.

"What do you like?" Soap asks just before I walk outside.

"I mean I'm not particularly picky. I just don't care for McDonald's... Or Taco Bell." I shrug.

"Fast food or real food then?" He asks.

"Like I said. I'm not picky. Just hungry." I respond.

"There's a nice restaurant not too far from the base. Forget what it's called but it is dinner so I wouldn't mind taking you." He says as he stands and walks toward me a little.

"You don't have to. I'll figure it out." I say with a small laugh.

"I'm going there anyway." He responds and sort of gives a look of annoyance.

"Well then, I mean, okay thank you." I stutter, completely thrown off by the sudden friendly gesture.

He nods and walks off. When he returns he has a set of keys in hand and walks towards the door. I follow and notice the others do as well. I then realize it is a group activity which is both relieving and nerving.

As we approach two cars in the lot I notice Ghost snatch the keys from Soap and attempt to get into the drivers seat. However he is swiftly pushed out of the way by Alejandro, who takes the keys from him and shakes his head.

"Pro tip, if you value your life at all, never get into a vehicle if Ghost is driving." Rudy laughs as he walks past me to the car.

There is eight of us so we have to take two cars of course. Alejandro driving the first with Ghost in the passenger side and Soap and myself in the back. Alex drives the second with Rudy in the passenger and Gaz and König in the back.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now