05 - You're Delusional.

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I jump awake to the sound of an alarm on my phone going off at 0700. Ghost also wakes up and groans.

"What fucking time is it?" He asks.

"Seven, sorry I forgot I still had alarms set." I respond as I quiet my phone.

"Did you need to be awake for something?" He asks while stretching.

"No, it's from the stupid PT we had to do every morning back at the marine base." I sigh.

"Mm good can we go back to sleep then?" He questions, now walking over to where I stand next to my bed.

"I mean I can't really tell you that you can't go back to sleep?" I respond in a confused tone.

"I do not want to walk all the way to my room." He says with a cheeky smile.

"Ooh? Well I mean.. Fine, okay, I don't want to be awake yet anyway." I say after considering the idea for a moment.

"Good, something we can both agree on." He nods and sits on my bed to remove his boots.

He then swiftly pulls me down to lay with him and tightly yet gently wraps his arms around my body. It takes me a minute to relax under his touch but once I do I almost immediately fall back asleep.

Not too long after we both fall back asleep the sound of a phone ringing wakes us up once again. We both groan at the sound and I roll over to figure out where the sound is coming from. A phone at the foot of my bed is getting a call.

"Bloody hell, what now?" Ghost whines.

"I think that's your phone?" I respond.

He huffs and sits up to reach it. Once he looks at the screen he rolls his eyes and answers it.

He's mildly hostile towards whoever is on the other end and I can only hear his half of the brief conversation but it sounds like someone is looking for him for something.

After aggressively telling that person off he ends the call then flips the little switch on the side of his phone to turn it to silent before tossing it back to the end of my bed.

He drops back down and buries his face into my shoulder before letting out a frustrated, muffled groan. I can't help but giggle a little at his little fit.

"Well I'm fucking awake now." He says, still hiding his face.

"Yea, I don't think I can fall back asleep at this point." I say and roll to my side to grab my phone from the nightstand.

My movement causes him to have to readjust so he also turns to his side and wraps his arms around me again, his face now hidden in my back. He then squeezes me tightly which makes me groan as I can barely breathe. He laughs at my struggles and rolls to his back.

"Man, fuck!" He yells, which actually scares the hell out of me because of the unexpected volume.

"Shit, don't do that." I say as I look back at him.

"Sorry, I don't want to be awake right now." He pouts but also laughs.

I laugh and shake my head then we both drag ourselves out of my bed. I head over to my bathroom to freshen up and Ghost excuses himself to go do the same in his own room.

After a cold shower I wrap my towel around my body and walk back into my room for clothes. Once I'm dressed I decide to go down to the kitchen to hopefully find some form of caffeine to help wake me up.

While I'm in the kitchen sipping an energy drink while sitting at the island, scrolling on my phone the sound of Soap pretty much yelling gains my attention.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now