17 - Unsupervised Children

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We eventually just decide on a bar and grill as we drive past so I turn around at the first chance and pull into the parking lot. We both hop off the bike once I turn it off and walk inside the restaurant. He leads while holding my hand so he doesn't lose me in the small crowd outside.

Once inside we find a place at the bar to sit. We both order our food rather quickly, I stick with a light salad while Ghost gets a classic burger and fries.

While waiting for our food Ghost excuses himself to the bathroom. I wait patiently for his return while sipping on the mixed drink I had ordered until a slightly younger looking guy comes up next to me and sits.

I ignore him at first, assuming he just doesn't understand personal space considering most of the bar is empty besides us and one other couple. I keep my eyes focused on my phone in front of me.

"What are you drinking?" He asks after a moment.

I glance up with a questioning expression but don't actually say anything.

"You're looking a little low, let me get you a new drink." He smiles.

"No thank you." I respond and resume scrolling on my phone.

"Ooh come on. One drink won't hurt would it?" He asks.

"Uh yea actually it would." I scoff.

"How? You haven't been here long have you?" He questions, sounding slightly annoyed.

"No I haven't and I'm also not here alone." I respond, now looking up at him with a glare.

"Well I don't see anyone else around." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Turn around." Ghost growls from behind us.

The guy looks over and immediately retreats without another word once he notices Ghost. I can't help but laugh at his fear as Ghost sits. He shoots a side eye and raises one of his eyebrows at my giggles.

"The way that boy bitched out so quick." I laugh.

"It's the mask. Makes me more intimidating." Ghost laughs.

"Well yea, not many people just walk around with half of their face covered." I tease.

He shrugs just as our food is brought out to us. We eat and drink while chatting and just learning more about each other for a while. I switch to water after my one drink because I'm driving. Eventually after about two hours we decide it's time to head back home.

I'm nice enough to not completely stress Ghost out on the way by driving closer to the speed limit this time. When we get back to the barracks we find everyone hanging out in the common room and choose to join for a while.

It's roughly 2200 now and the whole team, including Price for one, has been joking around and hanging out for a while now. Price has left to the kitchen after Soap and Gaz whined about being hungry. König disappeared a few minutes ago as well.

Almost like unsupervised children as soon as Price is gone they begin to act like fools. Soap randomly throws a mostly empty water bottle at Rudy but misses and hits Alejandro in the face. The glare Soap gets makes it very clear that  Alejandro is plotting his demise before he jumps up and tackles Soap out of the chair he was sitting in.

Soap screams while everyone else laughs. Alejandro now has him laying on his stomach in a headlock.

"Dad help!" Soap yells, calling for Price to intervene.

I can hear Price groan from the kitchen before walking into the room to investigate. When he finds the two on the ground he just shakes his head and walks back into the kitchen. Soap screams again only to be cut off by Alejandro squeezing harder around his throat.

König happens to return from wherever he went a little bit ago to see what the yelling was about. He laughs at the scene in front of him before walking up behind the two and swatting the back of Alejandro's head. The action makes him surrender and return to his spot on the sofa next to Rudy.

Price returns shortly after with a few different snack options for the group and sanity is restored. We resume the calm conversation and end up starting a movie to watch for a while before Ghost starts whining about being tired.

After a couple minutes of him pouting I finally agree to go up to bed with him. We go to my room and he quickly pulls off his mask, clothes and shoes before dropping onto my bed wearing only his boxers. He reaches out for me to join him, similar to a needing toddler. I laugh slightly as I climb into bed next to him.

He eagerly pulls me to lay on his chest and plays with my hair until I eventually drift off to sleep while listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now