13 - Drunk with my friends

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I wake up around 1900 completely alone in my room. At some point Ghost must have slipped out without me hearing. I put my clothes on before going to my bathroom to freshen up a bit then I leave my room and make my way down to the common room.

As I get closer to the bottom of the stairs I begin to hear laughter and talking from the guys. When I walk into the room Soap is the first to notice me. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty! You woke up just in time if you're hungry." He chimes with a smile.

"Starving. Why?" I laugh.

"We are all about to go out to eat and get some drinks if you'd like to join." He responds.

"I'm down." I say.

"Good. We are just waiting for Ghost at this point." He smiles.

"Ooh where is he?" I ask.

"Getting ready. Anytime we go to this bar he takes like five hours to get ready because even though he won't admit it he totally has a thing from the bartender." He laughs.

I just nod while trying to hide my unnecessary jealousy. Soon after I sit on the sofa while we all wait for Ghost he enters the room. He hardly even glances in my direction as he walks outside. The rest of us follow as we are all starving at this point and get into the two cars we usually take. Alex and Alejandro drive again because the cars are theirs. I'm in the car Alex drives, with Ghost in the passenger seat and König and Soap squished into the back with me. Rudy, Gaz and Price go with Alejandro.

König complains the entire time about not having enough leg room due to how tall he is and Soap finds any way possible to annoy me and Ghost. We end up going to a different bar that happens to serve what the guys call the 'best burgers in the area' and it takes about a half hour to get there.

"You and me are gonna go shot for shot tonight little miss 'I have a high tolerance'." Soap says as we get out of the car once we arrive.

"You know what? I am one hundred percent down with that after yesterday." I laugh.

Every now and then I notice Ghost looking in my direction but he has yet to say even a single word to me. Im starting to wonder if I did or said something wrong earlier. He seems to distance himself more than before now. I do my best to ignore it and just have fun but unfortunately now it's nearly impossible to ignore his glares and side eyes.

Inside the bar we all sit at two tables near each other and order our food. I decide I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought and just order a salad. Before anyone even finishes their food Soap is already ordering two rounds of shots for every one.

I survey the environment around me while I eat, it's a more high end bar. Not to the point where a dress code is required but still nice. There's a dance floor packed with drunk people and a good dj. The energy is high and fast paced and it's obvious that most of my friends are feeding off of it as they too get hyped up with the alcohol.

After roughly three hours it's definitely safe to say Soap and I are the most wasted out of the entire group yet we still continue drinking.

"Hey! You know my friend here doesn't have the balls to say it himself but he thinks your hot and wants your number." Gaz says to the bartender as she brings over more shots.

He's referring to Ghost when he says this and she smiles.

"Of course. I love the mysterious mask thing. I get off at one, you should call me." She says with a wink while writing her number on a napkin.

She slides it over to Ghost, who says nothing, then walks away. Ghost gives Gaz a nasty glare but again says nothing and then looks down at the white napkin. I watch him for a while to see if he'd do or say anything about what just happened. He doesn't. Just continues to stare at the writing.

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