23 - Remember

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Minor tw at the end.
Involves mention of sexual assault.

Three weeks later

I jolt awake to find myself in a dimly lit hospital room, various different wires and IVs spreading out from my body. I try to sit up once I fully realize where I am but a gentle hand pushes me back down onto the bed. I look up to see Ghost, he seems mildly concerned as he looks at me with wrinkled eyebrows.

"Ghost..? What happened? Why am I here?" I ask, the memories of my most recent mission fail have not returned just yet.

"Shh... You're okay.. just relax." He responds as he brushes my hair from my face.

"That didn't answer my questions.." I mumble as my eyes scan the room.

"Let's not worry about that right now.. it'll come to you eventually.. and I'll be here for you when it does..best not to pry."

Ghost's tone sounds worried. Like he's afraid of when I'll remember the torture I went through. I decide to drop the conversation for now and just enjoy his presence while I can.

"How long have I been here?" I ask after some silence.

"Three weeks and two days." Ghost responds quietly.

I stay silent after that and just try to process everything that's happened to my in the last few months. My memories of being held hostage are fuzzy, nothing really lining up and definitely holes from my brain trauma blocking the worst of it.

As I'm lost in my thoughts a soft knock of the door draws my attention. I look over to see a doctor walking in, a small smile of relief when he notices I'm awake. He walks over, a nurse following behind him and he looks at Ghost before speaking.

"Apologies for interrupting, I need to speak with Sergeant Kaiser alone now that she's awake please." He requests in a gentle tone.

Ghost is about to protest but notices my look of reassurance and decides against it. With a huff of annoyance he stands and walks out of the room without saying a word. Once he's goes and the door is closed behind him the doctor turns to me with a solemn smile.

"Please tell me you're here to say I can leave this place?" I say in a desperate tone which gains a slight chuckle from the doctor.

"I'm sorry Sergeant, not just yet." He responds softly. "Do you remember anything of your time with the Shadows?" He asks with caution.

"Not really... a few things I guess but surely not all of it." I shrug.

"That's unfortunate.. Sergeant the information I'm about to share with you may trigger some of those memories.. if you don't wish to know right now it can wait until you're ready." He says, his expression showing true concern.

"Tell me." I say without hesitation.

He sighs and looks to the nurse. She walks over to me and places a comforting hand on my shoulder, a needle full of sedatives in her other hand.

"This is only if you need it. Don't worry." She smiles as she notices me eyeing the medication in her hand.

I nod and look back to the doctor for him to proceed with his information.

"Well luckily you don't have any severe injuries, mostly dehydration, starvation and sleep deprivation. All of which have been mostly treated while you were asleep for the past three weeks. A few minor physical injuries, all seem to be healed by now. There is however one thing I am concerned about now.." He says, trailing off at the end as if he doesn't want to finish his sentence.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"It appears there was... damage to your genitalia... it looks as though there may have been extensive and aggressive sexual assault and unfortunately that isn't the worst of it..."

As the words come from his mouth is as though a switch was flipped and everything comes flooding through the walls I had put up to protect myself. Everything Graves did to me flashing behind my eyes like a movie. I just stare at the doctor as I wait for him to continue.

".. According to your bloodwork your hCG levels are elevated... Sergeant I do believe you're pregnant.."

Pregnant. The word hits harder than a bullet to my chest. Suddenly the world around me is a blurred, muffled haze as my head spins. I stare blankly, the only reaction to his words being the tears that unwillingly stream down my face.

After a moment I force myself back to reality. Still no emotion showing I look to the doctor.

"I'd like an immediate termination please." I say in a flat, emotionless tone.

He nods quickly and looks to the nurse. She walks over to the computer on the other side of the room and types something in before turning with a small smile.

"We can do it right after an ultrasound. We have to determine how far along you are to know how to remove the fetus." She says gently.

I nod and she immediately steps out of the room. She leaves the door open as the doctor is still with me and I can see Ghost standing in the hall. It's almost like he can feel my devastation because he instantly walks into the room, his eyes locked on me the entire time.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks and gently wipes away a stray tear from my cheek.

I don't respond, don't even look at him. I just stare straight ahead as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"She just needs a quick ultrasound. There's a concern for abdominal pain." The doctor says as if he could tell I didn't want Ghost knowing the truth.

Ghost glances at the doctor then back at me before kissing the top of my head through his mask and sitting next to me on the bed. He gently holds my hand in his, caressing the back of it with his thumb.

A few minutes later the nurse returns with a wheelchair to take me for the dreaded ultrasound. Ghost kisses my forehead before I leave and lets me know he'll be waiting for my return.

During the ultrasound it's revealed that I'm barely four weeks along. All I needed to do was take a pill and it would be over. I'm given the medication before taken back to my room to keep the secret from Ghost a bit longer.

When I get back to my room Ghost is no where to be seen. He wasn't waiting for me like promised so someone clearly had an urgent task that forced him away for now. As I wait for his return I fall asleep thanks to the light sedation I was given to help with nerves and any pain I might be having.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now