18 - Miscalculations

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It's now 0400 on Tuesday and the entire team is half asleep in the briefing room getting details on our newest mission. We leave in an hour for the airport so Price is trying to quickly inform us on the situation.

"The operation is going to be similar to before. Same home base and as far as we know same enemy. The local military had it handled for a while after we left but they're beginning to lose the upper hand and requested our assistance once again. This time we are simply preforming pest control. Go in, kill, get out. Should be simple and this time around we aren't wasting any resources by having Kaiser posted as a sniper. She'll be getting her hands just as dirty as you lot." He explains.

No one has any questions or objections so Price dismisses us to the motor bay to get everything loaded onto the bus. By the time all of our equipment is ready we are being rushed onto the bus to leave. Due to the early timing this time around the ride is quiet. Most of us trying to get in as much sleep as possible before getting to the field. Ghost and I sit near the front and lean against each other to almost immediately pass out.

When we get to the airport Soap wakes Ghost by smacking his head as he walks by which Ghost retaliates by shoving him forward as he gets up behind him. The sudden noise from their altercation is what wakes me just before Ghost jumps up.

I patiently wait my turn to make my way down the isle to get off the bus. I find Ghost leaning against a wall near our gate while talking to Rudy and König so I walk over to join them. I stand next to Ghost with my back to the wall then slide down to my butt and lean my head against Ghost's leg. He reaches down and pats my head while still talking.

I once again sleep the entire duration of the plane ride. Ghost and I sharing my AirPods to listen to music as well.

After several hours of travel we make it to the base and set up camp in the same area as before. We have a brief meeting with their leader before being dismissed for the day to rest before being sent out tonight. I have no problem falling asleep almost as soon as I climb into my sleeping bag on my cot.

Around 0200 lights flood the tent we are all sleeping in which brings multiple groans and whines from everyone who was sleeping.

"Right! Let's get to it!" Price shouts as he shoves Gaz off of his cot because he had not woken up from the lights.

I laugh to myself and make my way to the communal bathroom to change and fix my hair. I'm joined by Alex and Rudy just before I finish pulling my hair into a low bun.

"Heads up, Ghost is being a pinche cabrón." Rudy laughs as I turn to leave.

"Ghost is being a what ya fucking slag?" Ghost asks as he walks into the bathroom.

"It's uhhh how you say 'lovely person'." Rudy responds and laughs again.

"Vete a la chingada." Ghost responds and hold out his middle finger as we walks past Rudy and Alex.

"Damnit. I forgot he's been learning better Spanish." Rudy says.

I leave the bathroom after that little interaction and make my way over to Price who is distributing weapons. He hands me the usual set up; M4, Five-seven, three combat knives, and two smokes. I sling my rifle over my neck like usual and slip the other weapons into their holsters. I'm handed twice the amount of magazines as usual and two frag grenades as well. Price also gives me a set of night vision to mount to my helmet again just before we all load into the armored vehicles to leave.

The camp we are going to is several kilometers further away than where the previous camp we attacked was located so it takes about a half hour longer to get to our drop off location.

By 0400 we get to the coordinates of where we are supposed to be. We all drop down the night vision and check our radios before beginning the sixteen kilometer hike to the camp.

We split off into two separate groups; König, Soap, Ghost and I as Alpha one and Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz and Alex Alpha two.

We begin our mission in stealth, sticking to our knives and going to easy kills silently until eventually everyone is warned of our presence when we are caught by a guard and they start shooting at us.

From that point is essentially a blood bath. Our teams knocking hostiles left and right. About two hours in Soap notices something off about one of the bodies of an enemy König had just strangled to death.

"Oi! This doesn't look like any Russian soldier I've seen lads." He says as he examines the corpses' uniform.

"Bloody hell. Was that a Shadow?" Ghost asks as he walks over.

"The hells a Shadow?" I ask confused.

"Commander Phillip Graves of the United States Army. Now the fucking CEO of the Shadow Company, a private military company similar to the 141. He's been a fucking problem for a while now. Why is he here?" Ghost explains, seeming to be aggravated by this new information.

"Alpha team two to Alpha one, this is Gaz, we got a problem over here." Gaz's voice says through the comms before anyone can answer Ghost's question.

"What's the problem?" König asks into his radio.

"Shadows." Rudy responds.

"Copy. We've got them too. Just stay vigilant lads." Ghost says then gestures for us to follow him and continue our sweep of the camp.

We come to a large warehouse after a minute and choose to split up to cover more ground inside. We make a plan to regroup at the main entrance in a half hour then everyone disappears into the dark. I head straight for the top floor to move my way down and immediately regret not taking the basement instead.

The second I open the door for the stairwell at the top floor I'm blinded by a flash bang. I frantically pull my night vision up and press myself against a wall while I try to rub my eyes and gain my vision back. Another flawed idea.

While doing so I hear several sets of footprints approaching followed by someone aggressively yanking me out into the hall and pushing me to my knees.

By the time I can see again I'm already unarmed so I hold my hands up in surrender as I look around to find about ten men pointing assault rifles at me. The one who had shoved me down then walks up and roughly grabs both of my hands to pull them down behind my back. I feel the cold metal of handcuffs pinch my wrists before I gripped up once again and quickly by silently escorted up another flight of stairs to the roof.

A helicopter waits there and I'm swiftly shoved into the back of it while two of the men sit on either side of me. Panic begins to set it as I can hear my teammates voices through my radio asking for my response. One of the men rips the earpiece from my ear along with it's connected device and tosses it off the side of the helicopter as I feel it begin to lift off of the roof.

At this point there is nothing I can do to save myself or contact my team so I just sit silently not really wanting to end up splattered on the pavement below. As we continue to fly higher bullets begin to ricochet off of the metal vehicle.

The pilot laughs and mentions Ghost and Soap as he continues to fly off to wherever our new l action may be.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now