12 - Curiosity

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At promptly 0700 I'm woken up by Soap dropping my pack onto my stomach.

"Fuck. Why?" I groan as I sit up and push the heavy bag off of me.

"Because. Wake up." He smiles then walks away.

I sigh and swing my legs over the side of my cot to stand up. I grab a change of clothes and shuffle to the bathroom. As I turn the corner I run into what I genuinely thought was the wall only to realize it was in fact a person once I stagger back. Ghost to be exact. He grabs my arm to prevent me from falling onto my ass and glares at me.

"Sorry. I'm not awake yet." I apologize.

He doesn't respond and just steps to the side and walks around me. I shake my head at his behavior and walk to the sink to splash my face with cold water. I then continue my usual morning routine and walk back to the tent to make sure I have all of my things packed and ready to go.

Our plane takes off from the base at 0800 and I actually fall asleep within the first half hour of the flight home. I'm no time I'm being woke up by König telling me we've landed. I rub my face to wake myself up a little more and quickly grab my bag before leaving the plane.

A bus is waiting just outside the airport for us and we all climb in with similar seating arrangements as the first time. Only Ghost has chosen to sit alone across the isle from me instead directly next to me.

Once again I manage to fall asleep rather quickly, still absolutely drained from the previous day. However I am rudely awoken when someone sits next to me and the sudden movement causes my head to drop from its propped position on my hand.

"Okay what the fuck?" I ask as I rub my neck.

"Oops." Ghost says.

I now realize it was him who disrupted my slumber and shoot a glare.

"What do you want?" I whine.

"I didn't know you were sleeping. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." He responds.

"I'm fine. Just really tired."

"I see that. Didn't look all that comfortable though." He laughs.

"Don't have many options for comfort." I say.

He pats his shoulder in response as a way to suggest leaning on him to nap. I decide to not argue and just take the win. Oddly enough his shoulder is in fact more comfortable than my hand against the window.

When we arrive back at base he gently taps my cheek to wake me and I groan at the fact that I have to get up again. He laughs as he stands up and ends up grabbing my pack along with his own. I try to protest against him carrying my things but he walks away before I can.

Thankfully Price gives us the rest of the week off for recovery and as a reward so I immediately make my way up to my room to finally sleep of this exhaustion. Ghost follows close behind me with our bags and even so much as brings mine into my room for me.

Before he leaves he looks at me with the intent to say something but seems to change his mind and just walks out instead. My curiosity at the moment over runs the need for sleep so I peak my head out my door just as Ghost is leaving his room.

"Did you have something you wanted to say?" I ask.

"I mean yes but forget it." He responds and attempts to walk past me.

I step further out in the hall and grab his arm to stop him.

"See you can't do that. I am far to curious a human for you to say never mind and not tell me what you wanted." I say.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now