08 - Mission Ready

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It has now been roughly two months since I have joined TF141 and today we leave for our first deployment. I am currently rushing to pack my gear so I can get to the motor bay in time to leave. I've already been to the armory to ensure my sniper and my M4.

Once I finally get all of my necessary equipment I practically run downstairs and find that Alex is the only other person still here.

"Ooh good you're ready. Thought I'd wait for you so you don't get lost again." He smiles when he notices me enter the common room.

"Ooh thank you." I respond and laugh slightly.

Without another word we both walk out to the parking lot and to his car because the motor pool is on the other side of the base. When we get there everyone is still loading gear and checking weapons. König takes my bag from me once I get out the car so he can put it into the storage section of the bus we will be taking to get to the airport.

After about fifteen minutes Price orders all of us to get onto the bus before we start running late. It's an hour drive to where we need to be and it should be quite interesting. Soap and Gaz have been acting like total weirdos and Ghost is grumpy as usual and keeps yelling at them to shut up. We haven't even left the base yet and Ghost has threatened to shoot and or strangle both of them three times.

I'm sat near the back of the bus and luckily because there's only nine of us no one has to sit next to each other. However Soap is purposefully sat right next to Ghost.

A little more than half way to our destination we actually have to pull over to prevent Ghost from committing murder. Price sends him to the back while keeping Soap and Gaz up front.

On his way back he's mumbling swear words about the two. For whatever reason when he sees I'm sat off away from everyone he chooses to sit in the seat right next to me. He doesn't say anything but for some reason I do get one of his signature side eyes as he sits.

I haven't really talked to Ghost since the first night when he helped after that nightmare. Really the only other conversation was during my breakdown and that only lasted about ten minutes. Other than that he still acts cold hearted and doesn't talk to me much. Quite confusing to be honest but I do my best to ignore it.

The rest of the way to the airport is mostly quiet and everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Once we get to the airport we are quickly boarded onto a private military plane. Again there is enough space for no one to have to sit next to anyone however Ghost still insists on sitting near me.

Several hours later and we land somewhere in Europe at an allied base. It's almost 2000 so we almost immediately make our way to the briefing room where Price breaks down the mission.

"Right, listen up. We have Russian terrorists setting up camps nearby. They are planning something against the local military, this base specifically, so they brought us here to figure out exactly what that plan is and to prevent it from happening all together." He begins as we all take our seats at the table.

"So an easy in and out?" Soap scoffs.

"Hopefully. You'll all have to work together, relying heavily on surveillance and support from Kaiser. She'll be posted up somewhere with a good view of the camp so she can inform you of enemies before you even come in contact. Kaiser will take out their communications before you even go in to avoid any possible alarms bringing in more men from other camps in the area. You'll all take out whoever you can and Ghost and König will be in charge of gathering the intel we are after. Should be located in the colonels office. Once you get those documents you get out as fast as possible and group up at the rendezvous spot for extraction." Price explains.

"You expect us to put our lives in the hands of a girl we've known for barely two months?" Ghost asks.

"She's a part of the team Ghost, and a very skilled sniper." Price sighs.

I keep my mouth shut instead of letting the sting of him not trusting me make me say some not so nice things. Luckily he lets it go and Price is able to give more details about the mission.

We are getting driven to about sixteen kilometers out from the Russian camp and then from there we are on foot to prevent anyone from hearing our arrival. König and Alejandro will be escorting me to my post to ensure my safety getting there. From there I'm required to find and eliminate the communications team before radioing to my team that they are good to go. Once they're in I'm supposed to help them find the colonels office and get Ghost and König inside safely so they can get what they need and get out. Sounds fairly simple so fingers crossed nothing goes wrong.

After the briefing we are dismissed to set up our sleeping quarters. By the time we all have our tents and cots set up it's 2200 and time for lights out. Price has to practically force half of the guys to go to sleep because they keep whining that they aren't tired and it's actually quite amusing to watch.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now