03 - Family Outing

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It takes about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant and the majority of the car ride was spent in silence other than whatever music the guys up front had playing and the occasional complaint from Soap because he's squished in the back.

When we do finally arrive Soap actually jumps out of the car before Alejandro even comes to a full stop which earns a shout from Alex as they pull up to the spot next to us.

I very quickly realize how chaotic this outing is going to be as everyone gets out of the vehicles and to top everything not only am I considered an outcast to their group but I'm also the only female.

I trial slightly behind the group as the boys walk towards the doors. Being with them in an unprofessional environment is odd and uncomfortable, their behavior before kind of made it seem as though something like this wouldn't happen and I simply do not know how to act in the situation.

I stay behind them as we enter the building, barely even able to hear when the hostess greets us and questions the party size.

"Table for... seven?" She asks, miscounting the number of people.

"Eight actually." Alex responds and looks behind him at the rest of the group. "Wait where the hell is Kaiser?" He asks.

I then notice I'm hidden behind Alejandro and König so I peak around Königs side and wave.

"I'm still here." I laugh.

"Ooh good. I thought we lost you already." He laughs in response then turns back to the hostess.

She smiles kindly and gestures for us to follow her. She ends up pulling two tables together so we are all sat at one, four on each side.

I take a chair at the end of one side and then Soap sits beside me and Alex across from me. The others sit; Ghost next to Alex, followed by Alejandro and Rudy, then König next to Soap and finally Gaz at the far end from me.

Once we are all seated a waitress walks up to get our drink orders.

"Hello boys, been a while since you've come around huh?" She smiles.

They must come here often? Either that or this waitress has a really good memory for faces.

"Been busy." Gaz shrugs and laughs slightly.

"Of course. Well what can I get you all for drinks?" She asks.

Everyone lists off their drink orders one by one.
After the waitress leaves to get our drinks and give us time to decide our food orders the guys pick up conversation. I of course stay quiet and just skim through the menu.

After a few minutes she returns and passes out our drinks then takes our food orders. She leaves again and this time the guys direct their attention to me for the first time since we've met.

"So what made you want to be a sniper?" Soap asks. At first I don't even realize he's talking to me. "Yo! Kaiser!" He adds and I quickly glance over to him.

"What?" I ask. I haven't processed what he said because I didn't think he was talking to me.

"What made you join the military and pick up sniping?" He asks with a laugh.

"I got bored and didn't have the best family life so when I turned eighteen I enlisted just to get away. My lieutenant at the time just so happened to notice how skilled I was at the range and kind of forced me to switch my MOS." I shrug.

"What were you originally?" Alex asks.

"Field radio operator."

"Fucking nerd." Ghost mumbles just before taking a sip of his drink.

I furrow my eyebrows at his comment but don't say anything. For the moment they seem to run out of questions so I go back to scrolling through my phone. I subconsciously start tapping my fingers on the table to the music playing in the background of the restaurant.

"You were a cheerleader in high school weren't you?" Soap laughs. I look up and give him a questioning look. "I just noticed how well you're following the beat over all the other noise." He adds referring to my tapping.

"No, far from that actually." I scoff.

"Ooohh so band geek." He responds.


"Theater kid?"


"Huh, so what was your thing then?" He asks.

"I didn't have a thing, or well I guess my thing was the quiet kid?" I shrug.

"Really? But like popular quiet right?"

"No. Bullied and called a school shooter." I laugh.

"Yikes." He says and makes a cringe face.

I laugh again and nod.

"So you didn't have any hobbies as a kid?" Rudy asks, chiming into the conversation now.

"Didn't have time for hobbies." I respond.

"How? No sports or extracurricular taking up your time." Alex questions.

"School, study, church everyday of the week, sleep, and on weekends church and chores." I say, listing off my old daily routine.

"You were a church kid?" Gaz asks suddenly also wanting to be involved.

"Unfortunately yes. Not by choice." I nod.

"If you were that deep into it where's the purity ring?" Soap laughs.

"Can't wear a purity ring if you aren't pure." I respond.

"Makes sense. Did you save yourself for your wedding?" He asks in a teasing tone.

"Do you see a ring on my finger?" I ask in return.

"Touché. But it was definitely your boyfriend then right?"

"What boyfriend?" I ask, starting to get annoyed and amused by his million questions.

"Girlfriend?" Ghost asks.

"Uhm no, I'm not gay." I laugh.

"So you're single?" Soap asks with a smirk.

"Yea, because I don't date coworkers and I don't get out enough to find someone in the real world." I respond, making sure to note that he wouldn't have a chance if he tried.

"Doesn't mean you can't still have fun." He says and winks.

Just as I'm about to respond our waitress returns with our food so I choose to drop the subject while I can and just eat. About halfway through our meal Soap nudges my arm to ask yet another question. I look over to him as a way to tell him to proceed.

"Do you drink?"

"Sometimes, why?"

"Because it's Friday so no one works tomorrow and there's a great bar across the road." He smiles.

"Okay. I could use a drink I guess." I shrug.

He smiles and nods and then we go back to finishing our meals.

Once everyone is done and we get the bill Alejandro insists on paying the entire tab even though we all protest against it. After that we leave the restaurant and Soap announces that we are going to the bar across the street.

They are all very enthusiastic about that idea and Rudy and Gaz immediately just book it across the road. Luckily at that moment there was no traffic.

Inside they are also recognized by the bartender, who also seems to already know their go to orders. After making sure the guys all want their usual drinks he looks at me then back at the boys as if silently asking if I'm apart of their group.

"Yea she's with us. New boot." Ghost says almost like he's annoyed that I'm even there.

I smile and request a long island iced tea. The bartender immediately asks to see my I.D. I nod as I am used to that because of much younger I look than I actually am. After he gets a quick look at my birth day he smiles and proceeds to make all of our drinks.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now