14 - Tease

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At some point just before the sun began to rise I fell asleep watching random videos on YouTube. Around 0900 I am awoken by the sound of yelling and loud laughter from the hall just outside my room.

I groan as I roll out of my bed to see what's going on and peak my head out the door. Soap is being chased by König while the others stand to the side practically dying of laughter. When Soap notices my door open he beelines for my room and pushes his way inside. He tries to slam the door in König's face but he fails as König simply sticks his foot in, preventing the door from closing.

Soap screams and runs to hide behind me as I stand in the middle of my room absolutely baffled by this situation. König is shouting angry German insults at Soap, calling him a pussy for hiding behind a girl. Soap retaliating in Scottish swears. I try multiple times to diffuse the situation calmly before finally snapping and shouting at the two idiotic men.

"Ruhig sein! (Be quiet!)" I yell, König's German shouts causing me to slip into my childhood tongue.

Everyone immediately stops, König and Soap are no longer shouting and the others have even stopped laughing. They all just stare at me, surprised by my sudden outburst.

"Du sprichst Deutsch? (You speak German?)" König asks, almost seeming excited.

"Ja, ich bin Deutscher? (Yes, I am German?) Anyway, what the fuck is going on?" I asked, heavily annoyed at this point.

"Soap made a fake Tinder profile with my information and phone number and my phone will not stop going off!" König responds, his fury rekindled.

Soap giggles from behind me but immediately retreats when König glares at him.

"Why the fuck would you do that Soap?" I groan and turn to look at the man who is cowering behind me.

"It was Gaz's idea!" He shouts and points in the direction of the group of guys in the hall.

Gazs' eyes widen at the mention of his name and he instantly sprints off to hide in his room. König hardly reacts and continues staring down Soap.

"You're all children. König, sweetie, there's an easy solution to this." I sigh and pull out my phone from the pocket of my shorts.

"What are you doing?" Soap asks.

"Making a Grindr account, obviously." I scoff. "Name? Johnny MacTavish. Sexuality? Very Gay. Bio? Submissive lad looking for his dom daddy. Loves being tied up and degraded." I smile at Soap as I type in the information.

He looks absolutely mortified as I speak the words I'm writing down and everyone else hurts into laughter. Just as I officially post the account Soap drops to his knees and begs for me to delete it. I shake my head and laugh as I tuck my phone back into my pocket.

"Please. Kaiser. That's not even funny. Delete it. Please." He begs, still on his knees and giving pretty good puppy dog eyes.

"See, look, you'll make the perfect sub." I laugh. "I'll delete it as soon as you delete the one you made of König." I smile.

"Fine! I'll delete it! Just please get rid of that!" He pleas as he pulls out his phone to frantically delete the account he'd made.

Once he shows me that the account is gone I look back to see if König is satisfied.

"I think it should be left up as long as mine was." König shrugs.

I smile and look back to Soap who is practically crying at this point.

"You guys are so mean. Im sorry. Please delete it." He begs.

"Fine." I respond, as much as this is amusing to everyone I can't be that mean, it's just not in my nature.

I huff and pull out my phone to delete the account. I show Soap the proof once it's gone.

"Thank you." He says and braces my legs in a tight hug.

"Yea, get off of me." I laugh and shake my leg like he's a random dog trying to mount me.

He stands up and glances at König and then the other guys who I still laughing hysterically before quickly leaving the room to lock himself away in his own.

I shake my head as I rub whatever tiredness is left my eyes away. Then turn to look at the others still in my room.

"You handle situations better than Price." Rudy laughs.

"I have three younger siblings that I pretty much raised myself." I shrug.

"You just gained yourself the new mom title." Gaz laughs as he rejoins the group.

"Mmm mommy!" Rudy yells in a fake moan.

Of course that comment makes the others laugh and I again shake my head and grimace.

"Awe what's the matter? You don't like that?" Rudy pouts when he notices my reaction.

"Not like that." I laugh.

"Woahhh! I bet you had Soap calling you that all night!" Gaz laughs, making the inevitable stab at my drunk mistake last night.

Soap peaks his head into my room after that is said, seeming curious of my response. I hesitate for a moment, deciding whether to stop the jokes before they start or egg it on and tease Soap.

"Ooh definitely. He's the one who got railed last night, not the other way around." I laugh, choosing to taunt.

"I fucking knew it! You are a fucking twink!" Alejandro laughs.

"Really Kaiser?! Why?" Soap whines, which only encourages more laughter from the others.

"I'm sorry! The opportunity was there, I had to!" I laugh.

He pouts and sits criss cross on the floor with his chin resting in his hands as everyone continues to tease him.

"You guys suck." He whines over the laughter and jokes.

"Alright! Leave him alone before you guys make him cry." I say and walk over to pat the top of his head.

"But he's such an easy target." Alex laughs.

"So? Go find something else to entertain you now." I respond, more serious this time.

Like I mentioned before, I can be mean when necessary but only to an extent and never really to my friends. I don't find joy in hurting others so if I tease someone I will immediately stop if I notice they are no longer having fun with the jokes.

"Fine, mom." Gaz groans, exaggerating the 'mom' in his sentence.

I glare at him and he puts his hands up in defense then they all file out of my room quietly. Some still laughing at the previous comments as they leave.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" I ask Soap as he still sits on my floor.

"Yea, never been so verbally assaulted by a female before." He laughs.

"I didn't mean to offend you if I did." I respond with a nervous laugh.

"No, I'm not that much of a baby. I can take a joke." He says, regaining his confidence.

"Good. I was starting to feel bad." I say.

"Well I mean in that case, you really hurt my feelings and there's only one way to fix it." He says in a fake pout.

"Yea? What's that?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

"You could let me rail the shit out of you like you claim to have done to me." He smiles innocently.

"I'd rather be the origin of your villain era." I respond, my eyes wide with shock.

"Suit yourself. I'm gonna go cry in my room now." He shrugs and gives a fake sniffle as he stands.

"I'll send tissues." I laugh.

He gives a dirty look before leaving my room. I follow him to the door and gently close it behind him. Once I've locked it I walk to my bathroom to shower and get ready for the day as I can no longer go back to sleep.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now