04 - Night Terrors

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We have been at the bar for a few hours now, it's nearly 0100 now.

All of us, except for Alejandro and Alex have been continuously drinking whether it be shots, mixed drinks or beer and I think I'm officially to my limit. If I drink anymore tonight I'll end up getting sick before we even make it back home.

I think the others had similar thoughts because shortly after I cut myself off everyone simultaneously decides to head back to base. I stand up to follow the guys out only to have the remainder of the alcohol hit me and I immediately get dizzy and nearly trip when I take a step.

Luckily Soap was still standing right behind my chair and noticed my wobbly stance. He braces me up with an arm around my waist and laughs.

"Too much tonight?" He asks.

"I didn't think so until I stood up." I laugh.

"Yea I kinda thought that might happen considering your half my size and still kept up with all of us." He says as he guides me outside.

"I usually have a pretty high tolerance. It takes a lot to actually get me this wasted." I say, trying my best to not slur my words.

He just laughs again as we catch up with the rest of the group at the cars.

"She alright?" Ghost asks when he notices Soap is helping to keep me stable.

"Yep. I'm fine. Just didn't eat enough before drinking." I respond.

He just shakes his head then ducks into the passenger seat. We have the same seating arrangement as before, mainly because the two who were originally driving are the only sober ones.

Somehow on the way home I managed to pass out while leaning my head on Soap's shoulder and when we get back to the base he taps my leg to wake me.

Forgetting where I was for a moment I shriek and grab his hand in self defense. It takes me a second to realize what happened and quickly let go and apologize profusely.

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Are you alright though?" Soap responds, sounding slightly concerned.

"Yea, I just get very jumpy when I'm unexpectedly touched." I explain.

"Sorry, I tried to be gentle." He says.

"No, it's fine." I smile and slide out of the car.

My little nap sobered me up a lot so I no longer have to worry about tripping over my own feet as I walk into the building.

My exhaustion fully kicks in as I walk into the kitchen for a bottle of water so instead of jointing the others in the common room I say goodnight to everyone and go up to my room.

After I get into my room I rummage through my clothes to find something more comfortable to change into. I then climb into my bed and wrap myself in my covers before pulling out my phone to scroll through my social medias for a little bit to unwind.

Eventually I am finally able to drift off to sleep. Sometime around 0400 I end up have some of the worst night terrors I've had in a while and wake up screaming from the sensation of actually being strangled in the waking world.

I jolt up to a sitting position and hang my legs over the edge on my bed while I catch my breathe and try to relax the panic attack.

The sudden sound of banging on my door startles me once again and I jump up to see who it might be. I peak through my little peep hole to see Ghost of all people on the other side.

I open the door and he practically shoves his way into my room while looking around.

"Are you alright? I heard screaming." He says after he realizes I'm alone.

"Ooh shit, yea sorry. Bad dream." I say as I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"What about?" He asks.

"My last deployment... it didn't exactly go as planned and the therapist I was forced to see said I have PTSD from it." I respond, almost in a whisper as I don't really enjoy talking about it.

For the first time since I've met this man he doesn't side eye me or give a judgmental comment. Instead his expression softens and he steps closer to me so he doesn't have to speak so loudly.

"I get them too. I know I've been nothing but an arse towards you and I apologize, but if you ever need anything please ask. Any of us. We will always help in anyway we can." His words are so gentle it's almost unnerving to hear coming from him but I still find comfort in his words.

"Thank you. I'm okay though. Sorry for concerning you." I say with a small smile.

"You sure? I wouldn't mind hanging around for a while until you can sleep again." He shrugs.

"Ooh no. I couldn't ask that from you." I respond and shake my head.

"You aren't asking, I'm offering."

"You don't have to. I'll be okay."

"That's exactly something I would say so I know you're lying. Do you like movies?" He says with a slight eye roll then turns towards my television and turns it on.

I sort of just stand in mild shock and confusion as I watch him scroll through the streaming apps to find a movie. Once he finds one he glances back to see that I'm still standing near the door completely baffled.

"Well come on, it's a good movie." He laughs and gestures for me to join him on my sofa.

I shake my head to pull myself back to reality and walk over to sit. I sit on the opposite side of the sofa from him and bring my knees up to my chest.

"I don't bite you know? You can come closer." I he says, laughing at my awkward behavior once again.

I hesitate for a moment and before I react on my own he sighs and reaches over to grab my arm and pull me closer. We are now right next to each other, his arm draped over my shoulders and my head on his chest.

His touch and presence is oddly comforting considering I know practically nothing about this man.

Just as I begin to focus on the movie he put on he moves a bit, lifting his arm up, and when I look up to see what he was doing I find him pulling off his mask.

I can't help but stare a little because I have never actually seen his face before, only his eyes. He ruffles his brown hair with his hands then looks down at me, noticing my staring.

"What?" He asks sounding confused and amused with a smile on his face.

"I- Uhm... Nothing. Sorry." I stutter and quickly redirect my attention to the tv.

After an unknown amount of time we both actually end up falling asleep halfway through a second movie.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now